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ID: POL-001443-P/135384

Paintings by Sebastian Majewski in the Cathedral of St Berard in Teramo

ID: POL-001443-P/135384

Paintings by Sebastian Majewski in the Cathedral of St Berard in Teramo

The most eminent painter of the Abruzzo region in the 17th century was the Mazovian painter known as Maieschi or Maievius, educated in the Lublin and Cracow circles. He completed his masterly journey after 1606 in Teramo, where he settled and produced numerous religious works. The altarpiece from the cathedral is considered to be his most important work.

The six canvases are arranged as a unified iconographic programme in the structure of the altarpiece of St Berard (patron saint of Teramo) in the Sagrestia Nuova in the cathedral. The main painting depicts Berard during a pontifical mass, the side paintings show the saint's miracles (restoring sight to a blind man, healing a paralytic woman, freeing a prisoner and resurrecting a boy). The painting at the top of the altarpiece depicts the Holy Family surrounded by Saints Francis and Leonardo and the founders. Majewski, educated in the painterly milieu of Krakow, often signed his work indicating his Polish origin (he signed the local work 'Sebastianus Maieschi Polonus'). The altarpiece has the same anachronistic triptych-like structure as the work of his master, Stanisław Szczerbic in Końskowola. Majewski also employs a similar rigorous symmetry of composition and colour arrangement. In the historical scene ('Pontifical Mass'), the principle is the updating of all realities and figures, typical of Polish painting of the time. The figure of Berard, the medieval bishop of Teramo, seems to have been modelled on the Polish saints Stanisław and Wojciech. Chiaroscuro effects and colouring, on the other hand, betray the influence of Caravaggionism, presumably through a close Neapolitan milieu. Perhaps one of the figures in the 'Pontifical Mass' was given his features by the painter.

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Sebastian Majewski (malarz; Włochy)(aperçu)


  • A. Ryszkiewicz, Majewski Sebastian, „PSB”, XIX, s. 189-190
  • A. Ryszkiewicz, Sebastian Majewski – Malarz polski XVII wieku we Włoszech ,„Biuletyn Historii Sztuki”, 1970, nr 3/4, s. 295-297
  • A. Ryszkiewicz, Wkład artystów polskich do plastyki światowej, w: Między Polską a światem. Od średniowiecza po lata II wojny światowej, red. M. Morka i P. Paszkiewicz, Warszawa 1993, s. 12-13
  • S. Scacchia, Il „polacco terramano” dimenticato, „Cultura Teramana”, 27, 2004




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