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ID: POL-001229-P/134825

Nicolaus Copernicus Monument in Mexico

ID: POL-001229-P/134825

Nicolaus Copernicus Monument in Mexico

The statue of Nicolaus Copernicus, which stands in Chapultepec Park in Mexico, was founded by a Torun woman living in Mexico on the five-hundredth anniversary of the great astronomer's birth (1973). The monument measures four metres and is made of bronze. It is placed on a plinth with the inscription "Al genial astronomo Polaco Nicolas Copernico en el V centenario de su nacimiento - Ciudad de Mexico 1973 (on the five hundredth anniversary of his birth - Mexico City)."

Time of origin:

unveiled 22.07.1973


Mieczysław Welter (rzeźbiarz; Polska, Meksyk, Hiszpania)(aperçu)




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