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ID: dok-000645-P

Cemetery in Duda

ID: dok-000645-P

Cemetery in Duda

Cemetery at the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary with Polish grave monuments. Documentation has been made for the cemetery (24 cards stored in the ICDNS). Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography).As Lewkowski and Walczak write: "The church cemetery in Duda is situated on the north-eastern edge of the village, by the local road. (...) The church square is rectangular in shape, fenced with a stone wall with an entrance from the southern side, and occupies an area of 0.35 ha. The central part of the square is occupied by the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1772 (...) In the cemetery around the church, dozens of tombstones have been preserved, with the 19th century predominating. (...) The state of preservation of the cemetery is very good. It is one of the most interesting and better preserved church cemeteries in the Novogrudok region. "The oldest gravestone, dating from 1831-1856, belongs to the Szwański family. "It is a cuboidal, brick, plastered pillar with a rectangular inscription plaque made of copper sheet placed in a niche. On the pillar is a cast-iron gravestone on multi-sided bases joined by concave joints. The whole is crowned with a crucifix. Originally, the gravestone took the form of a plastered brick chapel, but was later partly demolished and a cast-iron gravestone was erected on the remaining fragment. The oldest inscription on the brick part dates from 1831 and is dedicated to Jadwiga Szwańska, judge and president of the Oszmiany district, Jadwiga of Prussia. "It reads: "HERE WAS LAID TO REST THE CORPSE OF THE LATE SR. JADWIGA / Z PRUSKICH SZWAŃSKIEY SĘDZINEY / ZESZŁEY W BOGU ROKU 1831 7BRA 21 DZIEŃ / SHE WAS 78 YEARS OLD LIVED WITH HER HUSBAND 52 YEARS / BEING A MODEL OF DOMESTIC AND SOCIAL VIRTUES / AND HER HUSBAND AND DAUGHTERS, FLOODED WITH TEARS OF GRATITUDE, / HAVE ENGRAVED THIS MEMORIAL ON HER GRAVE". Also buried in the 19th century gravestones are Jozefata Kuczyńska (died 1893), Kazimierz Olszewski (died 1894) and Jerzy Makowski (died 1874). The cemetery also contains the tombstone of Jerzy Bessarowicz (d. 1862)- a court councillor and bachelor. The slab with the inscription comes from the famous Vilnius workshop of J. Korkut. The inscription reads: "D. O. M. THE LATE J. P. JERZY BESSAROWICZ/ COURT COUNCILLOR / BACHELOR / DIED 20 JANUARY 1862 LIVED 51 YEARS OLD / WIFE OF HIS WIFE KONSTANCIJA Z WOITKIEWICZÓW BESSAROWICZOWA / DIED 19 SEPTEMBER 1873, LIVED 80 YEARS OLD / PROSECUTE ANGELOUS CONGRATULATION (signed: J. Korkuć in Vilnius)". The cemetery also contains the graves of residents of Dud and nearby areas who tragically died in 1944, including Edward Szarlan, Anna Borowska, Zuzanna Kuczyńska, Maria Kuczyńska, Władysław and Romuald Kuczyński.
  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Lewkowska Anna, Lewkowski Jacek, Walczak Wojciech, „Zabytkowe cmentarze na Kresach Wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Województwo wileńskie na obszarze Republiki Białoruś”, Warszawa 2007.
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Dawid Mendrek
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