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ID: dok-000250-P/76865

Roman Catholic cemetery in Holoby

ID: dok-000250-P/76865

Roman Catholic cemetery in Holoby

On the eastern outskirts of the town of Hołoby, a few dozen metres from the road to Mielnica, there is a dilapidated and neglected Catholic cemetery hidden in dense bushes. Zbigniew Hauser found 8 tombstones there, including 3 unnamed ones. The oldest is the tombstone of Florian Borowski, who died in 1889. On one of the unnamed tombstones one can read the rhymed inscription "Lord, your verdict / is inscrutable / He has already rested in the ground / father and husband / beloved / but the time will come / the time is not far / that we will be reunited for ever". Two ornate wrought iron fences draw attention. Cast-iron crosses with broken parts also remain. A small cemetery chapel survives in the cemetery, but it is badly devastated, lacking a roof and one gable. According to the author's description, the cemetery has survived due to its distance from human settlements.

In 2021, as part of the "Forgotten Cemeteries of Volhynia" project, volunteers from Ukraine and Poland carried out cleaning work in the cemetery. On this occasion, the gravestone of a Polish Army volunteer was discovered . In the Holobian cemetery, fragments of inscriptions were found in a preserved chapel. Archaeologist Oleksij Złatohorski believes that it belonged to the Mianowski family, the last owners of the Wilga-Ronikier palace in Holoby .

In 2022 the cemetery was cleaned by local people .

Documentation was made for the cemetery (77 cards, stored in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage). Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).


  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. IV, „Województwa: wołyńskie, podolskie, bracławskie i kijowskie”, Kraków 2009, s. 34-36.


Bartłomiej Gutowski, Alicja Czuber-Filonik
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