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ID: dok-000456-P/80645

Roman Catholic cemetery in Mosciski

ID: dok-000456-P/80645

Roman Catholic cemetery in Mosciski

Situated in the eastern part of the town, the cemetery was probably established in the second half of the 19th century, as can be deduced from the dates on the surviving gravestones. It is still active and well maintained. Its former spatial layout has partially survived.

There are three chapels in the cemetery. The first of these, the 'main' chapel, considered by Hauser to be unstyled, is plastered and topped with a signature, with a façade divided by a cornice. Its finial is decorated with statues of saints. Above the entrance, the date "MDCCCLXLIII" is set in a decorative frame. The second, created according to Hauser in 1873, is neo-Baroque and smaller in size. It is covered by a tin mansard roof, with a triangular pediment. The façade is framed by two half-columns, cannelled at the top. Above the entrance is the inscription "RiP". The building is surrounded by a stone balustrade on a foundation. It is probably an ancestral chapel, but is currently devoid of additional inscriptions. In the background is a third chapel - the burial chapel of the Szalbot family from 1896, decorated on three sides with semicircular arcades supported by pillars. Attention is drawn to the spacious quarters of the Redmptorist Fathers, with a magnificent monument topped by a stone cross decorated with a crown of thorns and two cast-iron spears.

According to Hauser, there are no particularly artistically valuable gravestones in the cemetery, but he lists those he considers more interesting. These are: an obelisk topped with a broken, cannelled column on the grave of Stanisław Zawirski (d. 1893); an obelisk of pink stone on the grave of Ignacy Jasieńczyk Jabłoński (d. 1918); rocks topped with a "knotted" cross on the graves of Antonina Sorówka (d. 1911) and Franciszek Karol (d. 1905) or the tombstone of Viktor Jakusz (d. 1903) crowned with a polychrome sculpture of the Immaculate. Hauser also describes one Ukrainian tombstone, signed by Markowski from Lviv, crowned by a sculpture of an angel with her arms crossed on her chest.

The cemetery also contains a restored monument to Polish soldiers killed in 1918 in battle against the Ukrainians.

Documentation (370 sheets) and a cemetery card (stored in the ICDNS) were made for the cemetery. Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).


  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis)
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. III, „Dawna Małopolska Wschodnia. Województwo lwowskie (część wschodnia)", Kraków 2007, s. 156, 157



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