Grób Peowiaków zamordowanych przez Ukraińców w 1919 r., photo Rada OPWiM, 1996
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Photo showing Grave of peowiaks murdered by Ukrainians in 1919.
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ID: WOJ-000665-W/159836 (UA-6946)

Grave of peowiaks murdered by Ukrainians in 1919.

ID: WOJ-000665-W/159836 (UA-6946)

Grave of peowiaks murdered by Ukrainians in 1919.

In April 1918, legionary Jerzy Dmytrów arrived in Ternopil and organised a branch of the Polish Military Organisation there. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ukrainians took over the city on 2.11.1918. The new authorities began repressing Poles, arresting POW activists. By the verdict of the field court, they were sentenced to death and shot on 4.05.1919. Jerzy Dmytrów and Rudolf Popiel.

Their grave is located on the left side of the cemetery gate, near the chapel. The grave survived the USSR period, but in 1993 the memorial was damaged. Its restoration was undertaken by one of the priests ministering in Ternopil. The tombstone inscription reads: "Jerzy Dmytrów born 1.10.1892 / Rudolf Popiel born 16.06.1894 / members of the Polish Military Organisation / died 5 May 1919 in Ternopil / R.I.P. / ... but I incant., let the living not lose hope ... (Slovak)". The inscription on the back of the monument reads: "The Organising Committee on behalf of the District National Organisation in Ternopil founded this monument on 1 November 1925".



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Photo showing Grave of peowiaks murdered by Ukrainians in 1919.
Grób Peowiaków zamordowanych przez Ukraińców w 1919 r., photo Rada OPWiM, 1996

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