Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
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Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939.
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939.
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939.
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939.
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939.
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939.
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ID: WOJ-000656-W/159827 (UA-4015)

Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939.

ID: WOJ-000656-W/159827 (UA-4015)

Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939.

In September 1939, during a clash between the Polish Army and the advancing German army, wounded Polish soldiers took shelter in houses near the battle site. The Germans destroyed these buildings. It is likely that the lightly wounded soldiers managed to escape, while the others died in the flames.

The remains of the soldiers were buried in a common grave in Malechowo by the roadside. During the burial, a German soldier was present to make sure that nothing was taken from the fallen (documents and immortals were also left with them) and that rifles were broken and thrown into the grave.

After the end of the Second World War, the grave was cared for by local residents. After Ukraine gained independence in 1991, a decision was made to move the bodies from this grave to the cemetery.

After obtaining all necessary permits, an exhumation of the soldiers was carried out on 23-28.10.1993, under the direction of Prof. Bronisław Młodziejowski, MD, and Małgorzata Brzozowska, MD. The remains of 64 soldiers were exhumed, as well as many objects of military origin: remnants of uniforms, shoes, military buttons, ammunition bags with ammunition, gun oilers, steel helmets, sapper blades, gas masks, rifles, grenades, etc. Personal belongings of the soldiers were also found - signet rings, mirrors, brushes and razors, combs, a diary, wallets, as well as a beautiful round medal on a chain, made of gold, depicting the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus. This medal and the chain were handed over to the Field Cathedral of the Polish Army in Warsaw in a special box with an engraved inscription stating that the medal was found with a Polish soldier killed in Malechow. The excavated soldier's remains were placed in a tin coffin, which was immediately sealed (as required by the local sanitary authorities). This coffin was then placed in an external wooden coffin. The excavated objects were also placed in it. The ceremonial transfer of the exhumed remains to the cemetery in Malechow took place on 30.10.1993. The grave was permanently arranged in 1994: a stone cross was erected on a large base, on which inscription plates were mounted: 1 general and 3 individual ones (dedicated to the memory of Lt. Bronisław Wiatr, st. strz. Stanisław Gruba and Józef Rybka). The general inscription states: "Here lie 64 soldiers of the Polish Army killed in Malechow on 19 September 1939 during heavy battles with the German army. Honour their Memory!". A wooden cross has been placed on the former burial site.



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Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Gallery of the object +5
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Gallery of the object +5
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Gallery of the object +5
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Gallery of the object +5
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Gallery of the object +5
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018
Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Photo showing Grave of Polish soldiers killed in September 1939. Gallery of the object +5
Grób żołnierzy polskich poległych we IX 1939 r., photo MKiDN, 2018

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