Photo showing \"The Inflantic horse, or a journey with Mr Gustav\". - publication of the Polonica Institute

Photo showing \"The Inflantic horse, or a journey with Mr Gustav\". - publication of the Polonica Institute
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ID: publ-000032-P/160164

"The Inflantic horse, or a journey with Mr Gustav". - publication of the Polonica Institute

ID: publ-000032-P/160164

"The Inflantic horse, or a journey with Mr Gustav". - publication of the Polonica Institute

I'd like to invite you for a ride through my homeland. Inflants - it sounds beautiful and a bit mysterious, doesn't it? Polish Inflants. Ah, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Gustaw Manteuffel. [...] I was supposed to become a diplomat. But you know what? I decided I'd rather be an explorer!

Good morning, it's me. Yes, a horse. I think horses are much more interesting than people, but people write more books about themselves than about us. For example, this book should be about me, and it isn't. He invites you to go for a ride! A horse would laugh. And who's going to carry him on his back, supposedly?

This is how the amusing fictional journey of the ethnographer, historian and Latgallian ethnographer Gustav Manteuffel through the territory of the former Polish Inflants begins, together with his accompanying and teasing mount. The journey is a pretext to show monuments and characters that are part of the common history of Poland and Latvia. In addition to Drycan - Manteuffel's place of birth - the characters visit the castle in Rzeżyca, the manor house in Kraslaw and Dyneburg. Along the way, they meet Antoni Ferdynand Ossendowski, Stanisław Kierbedz, Marek Rothko or Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna and Emilia Plater.

The book is aimed at children aged 8-12. The historical material was collected by Radosław Budzyński, while the author of the adaptation for young readers is Wojciech Widłak. The illustrations were prepared by Monika Dłuska and Joanna Górawska.

A Latvian version of this publication is also available in PDF format. / Izdevuma versija latviešu valodā pieejama arī PDF formātā.

Author: Wojciech Widłak, Radosław Budzyński

Language editing: Maria Bosacka

Number of pages: 42

Cover: Hardback

Format: 165 x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-83-66172-50-0

Photo showing \"The Inflantic horse, or a journey with Mr Gustav\". - publication of the Polonica Institute Photo showing \"The Inflantic horse, or a journey with Mr Gustav\". - publication of the Polonica Institute Gallery of the object +1
Photo showing \"The Inflantic horse, or a journey with Mr Gustav\". - publication of the Polonica Institute Photo showing \"The Inflantic horse, or a journey with Mr Gustav\". - publication of the Polonica Institute Gallery of the object +1

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