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ID: OS-001613-P/112009

Józef Haller

ID: OS-001613-P/112009

Józef Haller

First name:


Last Name:



Henryk Haller von Hallenburg i Olga Tretter

Date of birth:


Date of death:


Place od death:





general, commander

Honours and awards:

Order Orła Białego, Krzyż Srebrny Orderu Virtuti Militari, Krzyż Komandorski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski, Krzyż Walecznych, Odznaka Ofiarnych O.K.O.P., Odznaka Pamiątkowa „Krzyż Kaniowski”, Odznaka Orła Harcerskiego ZHP, Order Korony Żelaznej III Klasy (Austro-Węgry), Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Leopolda (Austro-Węgry), Brązowy Medal Zasługi Wojskowej (Austro-Węgry), Krzyż Zasługi Wojskowej z Mieczami (Austro-Węgry), Krzyż Wojskowy Karola, Brązowy Medal Jubileuszowy Pamiątkowy dla Sił Zbrojnych i Żandarmerii, Krzyż Jubileuszowy Wojskowy, pruski Krzyż Żelazny 2. klasy , Krzyż Wolności I klasy (Estonia), Krzyż Wolności II klasy (Estonia), Order Legii Honorowej II klasy (Francja), Krzyż Wojenny (Francja), Medal Wielkiej Wojny (Francja), Medal Zwycięstwa (Francja), Order Korony II klasy (Włochy), Order św. Sawy I klasy (Jugosławia), Order Lwa Białego III klasy (Czechosłowacja), Wielki Krzyż Orderu Korony (Belgia), Krzyż Komandorski Orderu Św. Michała i Św. Jerzego (Wielka Brytania), Order La Fayette’a (USA), Order Wojskowy Wojny Światowej (USA), Medal Zjednoczenia Wojska i Marynarki (USA), Medal Stowarzyszenia Weteranów 28 Dywizji Piechoty (USA), Odznaka Honorowa Krzyż Legii Honorowej Sokolstwa Polskiego w USA


Józef Haller (1873-1960), born in Jurczyce, son of Henryk Haller von Hallenburg, a participant in the January Rising, and Olga née Tretter. In 1895, he graduated from the Technical Academy in Mödling in artillery and began his career in the Austro-Hungarian army. He was a second lieutenant in the 11th field artillery regiment in Lwów, then commanded the staff of the 31st and 33rd artillery regiments in Stanisławów, and also trained one-year volunteers. In 1909, he was promoted to the rank of captain, and then became commander of the 43rd Howitzer Squadron of the National Defence. In 1911, he interrupted his military service and became active in the community. He was active in the cooperative movement, was an inspector in the Society of Agricultural Circles in Lwów, and was active in the "Sokoł" Gymnastic Society and in the "Sokoł" Field Teams in the Lwów district. He returned to the army with the outbreak of WWI, forming the Polish Legion in Lwów. In 1916, he became commander of the 2nd Brigade of the Polish Legions. In 1918, after the Treaty of Brest, he and his troops broke through to Russia, where they merged with the Polish formations. In 1918, he became the commander of the 2nd Polish Corps in Ukraine and later received the rank of general. In 1918, after his corps was broken up near Kaniów by the Germans, he fled to Moscow, where he tried to organise Polish Army units. In July 1918, he left for France, where, as a member of the Polish National Committee, he took command of the Blue Army, with which he fought on the Western Front against the Germans. He took part in the Polish-Ukrainian War in 1919 and later commanded the Northern Front. During the Polish-Bolshevik War, he became a member of the State Defence Council and General Inspector of the Volunteer Army, and commanded the North-Eastern Front and the Northern Front. In the interwar period, he was an active politician and a member of the Second Polish Sejm. After the outbreak of World War II, he made his way to France, where he chaired the Inter-Ministerial Registration Commission in the government of General Władysław Sikorski. At the turn of 1939 and 1940, he travelled to the USA, where he encouraged Poles to join the ranks of the Polish Army in France. After the fall of France, he went to Great Britain, where he held the post of Minister of Education in the Polish Government in Exile from 1940 to 1943. After the end of the war, he remained in exile in Great Britain.



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