Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk
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ID: spol-000066-P/150553

Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk

ID: spol-000066-P/150553

Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk

Information about the object:
The church was built in 1932 in the district called Górka thanks to the efforts of the families of the employees of the Polish State Railways. It was designed by the architect S. Trela. On 17 October 1939 the church was closed. During the German occupation of 1941-1944 its activities were temporarily reactivated. From 1961 to 1989 the church was used as a warehouse. The church has been undergoing renovation since the early 1990s.

Completed works:
The task consisted of the restoration of a Baroque confessional, part of the furnishings of the Church of the Holy Cross. Christ the King church in Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanislaviv).

The work consisted of cleaning the confessional, filling in defects, reinforcing the structure and applying necessary protection and impregnation. The result of the activities is the restoration of the aesthetic and artistic value, in accordance with the original intention of the creators of the work by securing it and strengthening the mechanical strength and cohesion of the wood structure, as well as by completing the missing elements.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Fundacja Niepodległości, realizacja w roku 2020

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Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Gallery of the object +4
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Gallery of the object +4
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Gallery of the object +4
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Gallery of the object +4
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Photo showing Conservation of the confessional located in the Christ the King parish church in Ivano-Frankivsk Gallery of the object +4
Konserwacja konfesjonału znajdującego się w kościele parafialnym pw. Chrystusa Króla w Iwano-Frankiwsku, photo 2020, all rights reserved

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