Relic from the treasury of the Latin Cathedral, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv
Painting from the Kampianov Chapel of the Latin Cathedral in Lviv, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv
Fragment of a painting from the Kampian Chapel of the Latin Cathedral in Lviv, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv
Relic from the Chapel of Kampian from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv
Altar from the Kampianov Chapel of the Latin Cathedral in Lviv, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv
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ID: spol-000188-P/150700

Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv

ID: spol-000188-P/150700

Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv

Information about the object:
The oil painting on canvas from the Chapel of the Campians was probably created in the second half of the 18th century. Despite the differences in format (the painting was probably not dedicated to the altar niche), the interesting and formally sparing Baroque painting and its ornamental and possibly earlier frame form a unified decoration of the chapel.

The reliquary was presumably created at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, and has been furnishing the shrine since its creation.

Completed works:

The aim of the Heritage Academy Alumni Association's project was to carry out intervention and conservation work to stop further destruction.

The work consisted in stabilising the layers and restoring the artistic and aesthetic values of the monuments, degraded by the natural process of deterioration at the frame and reliquary.

Part of the task is the continuation of the conservation activities carried out at the painting of the scourged Christ.

In 2023, the conservation of the Baroque reliquary stored in the cathedral treasury was carried out. The following work was carried out: disinsection, impregnation of wood, gluing of cracks, and sealant; reconstruction of the woodcarving decorations, application of polish, underpainting and supplementation of the gilding with flake gold; the broken panes will be replaced with new ones of identical parameters. The fabric laid in the interior has also undergone conservation (cleaning, straightening of distortions, dyeing, restoration of defects).

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:


  • Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Akademii Dziedzictwa, realizacja w latach 2022 i 2023

Time of origin:

Second half of the 18th century.



Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

2022, 2023
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Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Gallery of the object +4
Relic from the treasury of the Latin Cathedral, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Gallery of the object +4
Painting from the Kampianov Chapel of the Latin Cathedral in Lviv, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Gallery of the object +4
Fragment of a painting from the Kampian Chapel of the Latin Cathedral in Lviv, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Gallery of the object +4
Relic from the Chapel of Kampian from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Photo showing Conservation of a painting from the Kampianov Chapel with a gilded frame and two reliquaries from the Latin Cathedral in Lviv Gallery of the object +4
Altar from the Kampianov Chapel of the Latin Cathedral in Lviv, photo 2023, all rights reserved

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