Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka, photo Sakateka, 2022
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Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka
Interior of the parish church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kowalówka, photo Sakateka, 2022
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka
Interior of the parish church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kowalówka, photo Sakateka, 2022
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka
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ID: POL-002258-P/165084

Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka

ID: POL-002258-P/165084

Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka

Historical outline
The village lies on the Koropets River, about 5 km north-east of Monasterzys. Little is known about the owners of the estate. In the 19th century the Poninskis are recorded, and from the early 20th century until the 1930s Bronislaw Czajkowski.

The need to create an independent parish in Kowalówka appeared already in the early 19th century. It was then that efforts to build a fully-fledged religious building began. At the beginning of the 1860s, a temple was erected and an exposition was established, which forty years later was transformed into an independent parish.

The church, which was completed in 1864, was the result of the reconstruction of a hop drying room donated by Count Arthur Poniński. In 1862 the church was consecrated and exactly twenty years later it was consecrated. At the end of the 19th century, some necessary changes were made: a porch was added to the front, and a supper box and vestry to the sides of the presbytery.

The building was closed after the end of the Second World War. The Soviets turned it into a kolkhoz warehouse. Initially grain was stored there, and later fertilisers and chemicals. The church has stood empty since 1985. It is currently in a state of progressive disrepair.

The building is located at the northern end of the village. It is situated on a knoll and the chancel faces south-west. The brick and stone-built and plastered church consists of a three-nave, pseudo-basilica, five-bayed body and a trilateral closed altar section flanked by rectangular annexes (sacristy and supper box added in the late 19th century).

The front of the church is notable for its choir bay on the extension of the nave and the square-shaped towers that extend from the side aisles. Unfortunately, the towers have lost their helmets and it is difficult to determine their shape and character. However, it is known for sure that the right one was used as a staircase and the left one as a storey preceded by a rectangular porch.

Between the naves are square pillars on plinths, which support semicircular arcades. On the capitals (i.e. finials) of the pillars are set lisens, on which a moulded cornice is set. Similarly, on the exterior side, the articulation of the side walls is based on Tuscan-like pilasters. The interior is covered with wooden pseudo-vaults. The nave and chancel were topped with a barrel vault and the side vaults with cross vaults, which connect to the aforementioned inter-nave pillars through the gurtzas. Ceilings were used in the remaining rooms. The building is dominated by rectangular windows closed with a semicircle.

The choir was built on a wooden structure supported by two pillars.

The articulation of the presbytery from outside was not led by vertical divisions. The altar area is closed with two cornice strips, which imitate a beam. There is a gable roof over the body. Over the chancel it is similar, but with shorter and steeper slopes, passing into a multi-gabled roof over the close. Pulpit roofs are used over the other parts. All are covered with sheet metal. At the ridge of the roof of the main body was a turret for a little bell.

The most important elements related to the furnishings and surroundings of the building were, or partly are:

  • The very rich painting decoration of the interior, unfortunately now in a terrible state;
  • The wooden main altar with, among other things, the bas-relief "Our Lady and Child";
  • Holy Trinity altar with classicist forms, dating from the 19th century;
  • Altar with painting "Saint Anthony of Padua";
  • Altar with painting "Saint Isidore";
  • Epitaph plaque (white marble in a black profiled frame) with the inscription "D(eo) O(ptimo) M(aximo) | In memory of | FHORENTINA LANDSDORF, née BOCHEŃSKICH | Baroness DUBNICA REISKYE, née DUBNICA REISKYE | deceased in Kowalówka on 21. November 1887 | SPOKOKOVSKY, née DUBNICA REISKYE, née DUBNICA REISKY. November 1887 | HER DEATH OF HER SUSPICE | O Mother of God pray for our Mother" ;
  • Bell tower (analogous to the main building in brick and plaster), with three arcaded belfry clearances.

Peter Krasny, in his study of the building, writes: "The church in Kowalówka is surprising in its scale and rich spatial programme(...). The programme of wall paintings integrating compositionally the whole of the vaulting of the presbytery and the nave, probably used for the celebration of Rosary services, was interesting. The common motifs found throughout the church allow dating the polychrome to the period after the construction of the collegiate lodge in 1897. The two preserved altar retables, in the classicist tradition, are of a good class of small architecture and woodcarving".

Time of origin:

1862, consecration 1882


  • Piotr Krasny, „Kościół parafialny pw. Macierzyństwa Najświętszej Panny Marii w Kowalówce”, w: „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej”, cz. 1: „Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego”, Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury w Krakowie, 2010, ISBN 978-83-89273-69-74, t. 18, s. 139-144



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Michał Dziadosz
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Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Gallery of the object +2
Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka, photo Sakateka, 2022
Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Gallery of the object +2
Interior of the parish church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kowalówka, photo Sakateka, 2022
Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Photo showing Parish Church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Gallery of the object +2
Interior of the parish church of the Mother of God in Kowalówka Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kowalówka, photo Sakateka, 2022

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