Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - polychromes under restoration, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - polychromes under restoration, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie -polichromie, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Konserwacja polichromii sklepień nawy głównej w kościele pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Konserwacja polichromii sklepień nawy głównej w kościele pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Konserwacja polichromii sklepień nawy głównej w kościele pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Konserwacja polichromii sklepień nawy głównej w kościele pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Konserwacja polichromii sklepień nawy głównej w kościele pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Polichromie sklepienia nawy głównej w kościele Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Polichromie sklepienia nawy głównej w kościele Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Polychrome vaults of the nave in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius (before conservation), all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
Polichromie sklepienia nawy głównej w kościele Wniebowzięcia NMP w Wilnie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave
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ID: spol-000073-P/150561

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave

ID: spol-000073-P/150561

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius - restoration of polychrome vaults of the nave

Information about the object:
The Franciscan Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius is the oldest church in Vilnius; some parts of its walls were built at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. The south aisle is covered from above with a crystal vault. A Gothic portal leads into the church. A system of Gothic buttresses has been preserved at the presbytery. Fragments of 18th century paintings have survived on the vaulting of the nave. Their author is the Marian painter of the late Baroque period, the Franciscan Friar František Niemirowski. This monk embellished not only the Church of the Assumption, but also other churches and monasteries.

He beautified not only the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but also other churches and monasteries. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Vilnius is closely linked to the history of Poles living in the Lithuanian capital in the past and today.

Completed works:

2020 (stage III)
The aim of the project was to save the preserved fragments of 18th-century figural paintings (murals, figural and ornamental paintings) located on the vaulting of the nave of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The task included the conservation of damaged Baroque decorations, stucco and paintings located on the walls and vaults of the church. The work carried out improved the technical condition of the polychrome and restored the church interior to its former baroque character. The beneficiary of the funds is the Province of St Maximilian Maria Kolbe of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual in Poland.

In previous years (2013-2015), it was possible to carry out the conservation of part of the polychrome walls and vaults within the first bay of the nave, above the choir. This work was carried out in parallel with conservation work on the baroque balustrade of the choir gallery. In 2018-2019, conservation work was carried out within the vaults of the nave. In 2020, conservation work continued on the surviving fragments of the representational painting decorations of the next bay.

2021 (Stage IV)
The project is the next stage of polychrome conservation in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vilnius. This year's work included the vaulting of the nave, on which fragments of 18th-century figural paintings by Father Franciszek Niemirowski have survived.

Comprehensive conservation work has been carried out on the surviving fragments of the figural painting decorations of the next bay, and the missing parts of the polychrome will be reconstructed on the basis of analogies and information obtained from the object during the course of the work.

2022 (Phase V)
In 2022, the conservation work of Stage V continued. Comprehensive conservation measures were applied to the preserved fragments of the depictive painting decorations of the next, fifth bay, and the missing parts of the polychrome will be reconstructed on the basis of analogies and information obtained from the object in the course of the works carried out.

2023 (Phase VI)
In 2023, the final stage of works was carried out, on the sixth bay of the nave and the chancel vault. The scope of work included: removal of dirt, subsequent repainting and whitewash, reinforcement of the original paint layer and substrate, restoration of cracks and plaster defects, desalination, disinfection of the painting, restoration of the paint layer (scoring), partial reconstruction of missing portions of the representations.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl





  • Prowincja Św. Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego Zakonu Braci Mniejszych Konwentualnych w Polsce, realizacja w latach 2020-2023

Time of origin:

18th century.

Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
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