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ID: OS-009351-P/170264

Michalina Ilińska

ID: OS-009351-P/170264

Michalina Ilińska

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z domu Bierzyńska


Adam Bierzyński i Teresa Walewska

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Michalina Ilińska (1794-1859), daughter of Adam Bierzyński, starosta of Szawel and brigadier of the Crown Army, and Teresa Walewska (b. c.1776 - d. 7 Feb. 1856 in Stuttgart), Voivode of Sieradz. In 1820, she married Henryk Iliński (b. 1792 in Romanów - d. 23 Jan. 1871), son of Count August Józef Iliński and Eleonora Antonina. This marriage produced their daughter, Jadwiga Ilińska, who married Henryk Józef Michał Stecki.

She died on 1 January 1859 in Paris at the age of 56, after a long illness. Her death was announced in the press and the Books of Burials record that she was buried on 26 January 1859 in Père-Lachaise Cemetery, Paris, in division 22, having been previously moved from the crypt de la Madeleine. The death was reported by her husband, Henryk Ilinski, and Countess Hedvige Stecka.

The obituary announced by her family, including her husband, Count Henry Ilinski, noted that she died 'in Paris on 1 January 1859, aged 56, munie des Sacrements de l'Eglise' (at the sacraments of the Church). The obituary records that her funeral will take place on 26 January 1859 at 12 noon at the Church de la Madeleine in Paris. According to the handwritten annotation, her body was moved from the crypt to a new grave in the cemetery and the details of the transfer are recorded in the register of Burial Books, General No. 145796, Annual No. 3496.


Books of Burials: general no. 145796, annual no. 3496, burial 26 January 1859 in Père-Lachaise cemetery, division 22.

French hourglass: "Le Comte Henri Ilinski, Conseiller d'Etat, Chambellan de S. M. l'Empereur de Russie, la Comtesse Hedvige Stecka, le Comte Henri Stecki, le Comte et la Comtesse Bierzynska, la Comtesse Cecilie Poninska, le Comte Boleslas Poninski, le Prince et Princesse Stanislas Jablonowska, les Princes Joseph et Marcellin Lubomirski, Com-tesse Jerôme Walewska.... ont l'honneur de vous faire part de la perte douloureuse qu'ils viennent de faire en la personne de Madame la Comtesse Micheline Ilinska (née Comtesse Bierzynska)... décédée à Paris le 1er Janvier 1859, à l'âge de 56 ans, munie des Sacrements de l'Eglise".

Notice in KW No. 3 of 22 XII/ 3 I 1858/1859 p. 9: "Sad news has arrived here from Paris of the death of Countess Michalina of the Counts of Bierzynska Ilinska".

KW no. 32 of 12 I/4 II 1859 p. 157: "Tomorrow, at 11 1/2 o'clock in the morning, a memorial service will be held in the XX. Capuchins, a funeral service for the repose of the soul of Michalina Countess Ilinska, née Countess Bierzyńska".

Handwritten note in BXXCz: "L'enterrement fera Mercredi le 26 Janvier a la Madeleine a midi".


  • Polski Słownik Biograficzny, t. 43 s. 69-70



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