Tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, cemetery in Ternopil, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Martin Duch
Inscription of the tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, Ternopil cemetery, 2016 status, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Martin Duch
Fragment of the tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Martin Duch
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ID: NGR-012967-P/88506

Tombstone of Anna and Martin Duch

Mikuliniec Cemetery in Ternopil
ID: NGR-012967-P/88506

Tombstone of Anna and Martin Duch

Burial place marked by a slab on a base, at the head of which is a stele in fan-shaped form with a convex carved hemisphere, on axis, at the bottom. Probably originally surmounted by a cross, cross not preserved. The plinth under the finial is preserved. Stele supported on two plinths. Gravestone with inscription in engraving in the face, with two brass entablature at the head. Decorated with glazing on the sides.


Ś. + P. / MARCIN DUCH / ur. 10.V.1868. zm.27.XII.1916. / ANNA z RACZYŃSKICH / DUCHOWA / ur. 1.XII.1870 zm. [...] 1920. / WIECZNE ODPOCZYWANIE / RACZ IM DAĆ PANIE. //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1917-1922

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 3h Tomb number 9


125 x 140 x 200 cm

Additional dimensions:

stele: 100 x 115 x 45 (cm)


sandstone, copper alloy (bronze, brass or bronze alloy)

Additional Information about materials:

Sandstone tombstone, brass entablature with mounts

State of preservation:

mosses, cavities, inscription partly obliterated, non-maintained finial

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

no cross


  • „Inskrypcje nagrobne pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego”, t. 4, „Województwo tarnopolskie, miasto Tarnopol”, pod red. L. Morawieckiego, Rzeszów 2004, s. 70


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Katarzyna Jachimowicz, Agnieszka Borowiecka

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, cemetery in Ternopil, state of 2016 Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Martin Duch Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, cemetery in Ternopil, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Inscription of the tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, Ternopil cemetery, 2016 status Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Martin Duch Gallery of the object +2
Inscription of the tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, Ternopil cemetery, 2016 status, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Fragment of the tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016 Photo showing Tombstone of Anna and Martin Duch Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of the tombstone of Anna and Marcin Duch, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Agnieszka Borowiecka

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