Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, state of 2018, photo Zofia Urban
Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski
Fragment of the tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, as of 2018, photo Zofia Urban
Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski
Fragment of the tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, as of 2018, photo Zofia Urban
Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski
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ID: NGR-013170-P/89344

Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski

ID: NGR-013170-P/89344

Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski

Burial ground marked by a figural group on a plinth and three-stage base, originally in an enclosure. Finial in the form of a weeping figure at the column with an urn on its own base. To the left on the column an urn girded with a shawl. Next to the right a figure of a weeping woman. She holds her head with her right hand and rests her elbow on the head of the column, her left hand passes to a child standing by her left leg. The child, wearing a robe before her knees, with bare feet, holds a laurel wreath in her left hand. The plinth enclosed by a lesbian kimation at the bottom and top, covered by a wider panel with a hipped roof at the top, a double dodger at the bottom. The corners of the pedestal in the form of pillars with cannulae. On the front wall a panel with chamfered rectangular corners. In it an engraved inscription (1). The right wall has a hollow panel in the upper part. On the back wall a panel with an engraved inscription (2).


1. [-] / [-] / [.]RYA Z OPOLSKICH RZEPICKA . ADAM KORBECKI / c. k. asystent pocztowy / * 18 grudnia 1853 + 25 sierpnia 1891 / JULIUSZ OPOLSKI / c.k. oficyał pocztowy / długoletni burmistrz m. Zbaraża / * 20 kiwetnia 1838 + 25 lipca 1896 / [Wieczn]y odpoczynek racz im dać Panie / [a światłość wiekuista niechaj im świeci] / [na wieki wieków Amen]. //.
2. [Cierpienie znosić] błagać i [prosić nie]szczęście liczyć, troski dzielić / To jest niestety / Życie kobiety. / [Cór]ka moja Marya Ludwika spoczy[wa] / […] tu w grobie wraz z maleńką córe[czką] / Anną, była przykładem życia takiego / ukończyła je z rezygnacją pozosta[wiła] / za sobą smutek ból i żałobę. / Oby im ziemia [lekką była.] //.

Time of origin:

ca. 1896

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 5a Tomb number 20


350 x 280 x 290 cm

Additional dimensions:

figure: 170 x 75 x 42 cm


concrete/jewel concrete, sandstone

Additional Information about materials:

statue, pedestal and base in concrete, sandstone inscription plaque, metal canopy, metal semi-circular fence, metal pedestal joints

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, cracks, cavities, inscription partly obliterated


  • „Cmentarze dawnego województwa tarnopolskiego badania inwentaryzacyjne„”, katalog on-line, opr. Anna Sylwia Czyż i Bartłomiej Gutowskim, , dostęp on-line

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Zofia Urban, Marta Olender

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, state of 2018 Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, state of 2018, photo Zofia Urban
Fragment of the tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, as of 2018 Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of the tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, as of 2018, photo Zofia Urban
Fragment of the tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, as of 2018 Photo showing Tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of the tombstone of Maria Rzepicka, Adam Korbecki and Juliusz Opolski, Zbarazh cemetery, as of 2018, photo Zofia Urban

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