Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo Piotr Jamski z zespołem, 2014
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla
Tombstone of Władysław Syrokoml, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, photo Piotr Jamski z zespołem, 2014
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla
Inscription plaque from the tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, photo Piotr Jamski z zespołem, 2014
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla
Signature on the tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Ross Cemetery, photo Piotr Jamski z zespołem, 2013
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source:
Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla
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ID: NGR-005147-P/66769

Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla

Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius
ID: NGR-005147-P/66769

Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla

The burial site marked by a cast iron cross on a stone-built plinth, fronted by a simple concrete band. The cross is simple, framed by a shaft, on a small plinth. The plinth is angled at the front with an inscribed plaque occupying almost its entire front. The inscription is engraved with a lyre motif in a laurel wreath at the bottom. Below the inscription an engraved signature. In front of the band a small pedestal for candles.


S. P. / Władysław / SYROKOMLA / ur.17 Września 1823, um. 3t. m. 1862 r. / -.- / Osierocona żona z dziećmi / tę pamiątkę poświęca. / "SKONAŁ GRAJĄC NA LIRZE." / Cześć Twej pamięci lirniku wioskowy. / Twym piosnkom wieczna niech będzie cześć! / Ty w naszych sercach pomnik wiekowy / trwalszy nad granit umiałeś wznieść. / M. K. Z. //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1868

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 3a (Old Rossa) Tomb number 14


253 x 112 x 313 cm


coloured magmatic rocks (granite, syenite and others), concrete/jewel concrete, cast iron

Additional Information about materials:

Plinth built of stone and concrete, granite inscription panel, cast iron finial

Ceator's signature:

B. Sobolewski. //.


Bolesław Sobolewski (zakład kamieniarski; Wilno)(preview)

Additional information:

The original version of the gravestone is known thanks to a wood engraving by Ignacy Chelmicki (according to Wladyslaw Dmochowski) from around 1869. The burial place was probably enclosed by a wooden fence on a plan similar to a square with a side length of approximately 3 m. At the head a monumental cross was probably also made of wood. However, this print shows the surroundings of the gravestone in a rather loose manner (cf. photo by W. Zacharczuk from the late 1960s and early 1970s, LMAVB_RSS Fg.1-514-3), so it cannot be ruled out that the gravestone was also plastically transformed. In subsequent years, a new gravestone was erected through the widow's efforts. It was erected between 1869 and 1881, when there was a postulate (unrealized) to erect another (third) more monumental form of commemoration (cf. Agnieszka Durejko, Wspomnienie o losach graiły Władysława Syrokomli, Žmogus ir žodis: mokslo darbai. Literatūrologija, 12(2), 78-82). Its new form is shown on a woodcut by Kazimierz Mrówczyński. It is possible that the gravestone was created around 1870. The graphic does not yet show the lyre at the bottom (it was added later, according to Słowo Wileńska of 1936, no. 301, p. 2 ). Also visible is a cross, cast iron on a small plinth, with the figure of Christ and an overhanging wreath. The slab similarly placed is probably supported by an earthen mound. Presumably its setting in the form of a plinth faced with stones is the result of later conservation work of the 20th century (perhaps the renovation mentioned in Słowo Wileńska 1936, no. 301, p. 2). The surroundings of the tombstone underwent another change in 1939 when the layout of the neighbouring tombstones was changed, and finally presumably in the 1960s, on the occasion of the removal of the plaque commemorating Ludwika Bylińska. Inscription lines 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in italics. Documentation of the object KPD=AV-298/62 in Kultūros paveldo departamento prie Kultūros ministerijos direktoriau (Cultural Heritage Department under the Ministry of Culture). The tombstone mentioned in: 1. Grajewski 1972, item 3135. 2. Durejko 2010. pp. 78-82. 3. Słowo Wileńska, 1936, no. 301, p. 2. 4. 4. Kraj 19, 36, 39, 1888. 2, 1898. 5. Kurier Litewski no. 249 of 1906. 6. A. Sniezko, "Rossa - miasto umarłych. Groby zasłużonych", vol. 2, Wrocław 1970 mps in the collection of the PAU Kraków, pp. 222-223.

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, cracks, cavities

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

no cross


  • „Cmentarz na Rossie w Wilnie, badania inwentaryzacyjne”, katalog on-line, opr. Anna Sylwia Czyż i Bartłomiej Gutowski, dostęp on-line
  • Śnieżko, A. „Rossa - miasto umarłych. Groby zasłużonych”, t. 1, Wrocław 1970, maszynopis w zbiorach PAU Kraków

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla Gallery of the object +3
Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo Piotr Jamski z zespołem, 2014
Tombstone of Władysław Syrokoml, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla Gallery of the object +3
Tombstone of Władysław Syrokoml, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, photo Piotr Jamski z zespołem, 2014
Inscription plaque from the tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla Gallery of the object +3
Inscription plaque from the tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, photo Piotr Jamski z zespołem, 2014
Signature on the tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Ross Cemetery Photo showing Tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla Gallery of the object +3
Signature on the tombstone of Władysław Syrokomla, Ross Cemetery, photo Piotr Jamski z zespołem, 2013

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