License: public domain, Source: Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Restoration of the Sobieski building in Lviv
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ID: DAW-000355-P/164864

Restoration of the Sobieski building in Lviv

ID: DAW-000355-P/164864

Restoration of the Sobieski building in Lviv

The Land Chronicle mentions the allocation of 10,000 crowns for conservation in the former Sobieski tenement house in the Lviv market square. Among other things, a sharp-arched vault dating back to the 15th century and a vault from the Renaissance period were uncovered in the tenement (Source: "Ziemia. Tygodnik Krajoznawczy Ilustrowany', Warsaw 1910, no. 28, pp. 17-18, after: Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa).

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Photo showing Restoration of the Sobieski building in Lviv

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