Polish War Cemetery, photo BUDMEX, 2018
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Photo showing Polish War Cemetery
Polish War Cemetery, photo BUDMEX, 2018
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Polish War Cemetery
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ID: WOJ-000128-W/73628 (KZ-0007)

Polish War Cemetery

ID: WOJ-000128-W/73628 (KZ-0007)

Polish War Cemetery

In January/February 1942, the redeployment of the Polish Armed Forces in the USSR (General Anders' Army) from the Soviet Russian republics to the Central Asian republics took place. Units of the 8th Infantry Division were located in the South Caucasus region. The servicemen who died here from exhaustion and disease were buried in a specially created military cemetery.This cemetery was forgotten for decades of Soviet power. A reconnaissance trip by the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Remembrance in 1999 failed to find it. It was not until more than 10 years later that the OPWiM Council received information about traces of the war cemetery on the northern edge of the town, near the railway line.In 2013. The OPWiM Council reconstructed the cemetery - the centrepiece is an obelisk in the shape of a milepost with an image of the Polish Army eagle. At its base lie two slabs with the names of 32 soldiers who rest here. Eight tombstones with the relief of a cross are laid on either side of the approach to the monument . The monument bears an inscription in Kazakh and Polish: "HERE REST / POLACKS / SOLDIERS / OF THE POLISH ARMY / IN THE EAST / GEN. WŁ. ANDERS / AND CIVILIANS / FORMER PRISONERS OF WAR / PRISONERS OF SOVIET GULAGS / WHO DIED IN 1942 / ON THEIR WAY TO THEIR HOMELAND / HONOUR THEIR MEMORY!". The cemetery is surrounded by a low stone wall. At the entrance, two information boards are placed on the fence posts - in Polish and Kazakh. The Polish text: "POLISH / WAR CEMETERY / MANKENT / FOUNDED BY THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND / BY THE EFFORT OF THE COUNCIL / FOR THE PROTECTION OF MEMORIES / OF WARS AND MARTY / WHO ALSO CARE / FOR IT".After the liquidation of the OPWiM Council, the care of the cemetery is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.



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Polish War Cemetery Photo showing Polish War Cemetery Gallery of the object +1
Polish War Cemetery, photo BUDMEX, 2018
Polish War Cemetery Photo showing Polish War Cemetery Gallery of the object +1
Polish War Cemetery, photo BUDMEX, 2018

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