Monument to Adam Mickiewicz in Karlovy Vary, Břetislav Werner, 1947-1948, bronze bust, granite pedestal with bronze ornaments, photo Václav Štorek, 2019
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Photo showing The Adam Mickiewicz Memorial in Karlovy Vary
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ID: POL-001157-P/118729

The Adam Mickiewicz Memorial in Karlovy Vary

ID: POL-001157-P/118729

The Adam Mickiewicz Memorial in Karlovy Vary

The Adam Mickiewicz monument in Karlovy Vary, created by Bretislav Werner in 1947, is located near the historic Richmond Park spa hotel. It replaced an earlier monument from 1897, which was destroyed. The monument was created to commemorate the poet's stay in Karlovy Vary in 1829, when he was to meet Roman Soltyk, the inspiration for the character of the Count in "Pan Tadeusz". The monument depicts a bronze bust of Mickiewicz placed on a two-tiered granite pedestal with relief decoration in the form of a harp, a feather and a bouquet. The pedestal features inscriptions dedicated to the poet. The unveiling ceremony took place in 1948. The monument is inscribed on the Central List of Cultural Monuments of the Czech Republic and is legally protected.

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Time of origin:

1947, unveiled 17.10.1948


Bretislav Werner (rzeźbiarz; Czechy)




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Monument to Adam Mickiewicz in Karlovy Vary, Břetislav Werner, 1947-1948, bronze bust, granite pedestal with bronze ornaments
Monument to Adam Mickiewicz in Karlovy Vary, Břetislav Werner, 1947-1948, bronze bust, granite pedestal with bronze ornaments, photo Václav Štorek, 2019

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