Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko, 1922, Vilnius (Lithuania), photo 1929
License: public domain, Source: Cyfrowe zbiory Biblioteki Narodowej POLONA, Modified: yes, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius in old photographs
Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko, 1922, Vilnius (Lithuania), photo 1929
License: public domain, Source: Cyfrowe zbiory Biblioteki Narodowej POLONA, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius in old photographs
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ID: DAW-000428-P/165989

Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius in old photographs

ID: DAW-000428-P/165989

Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius in old photographs

The statue of Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius, unveiled in 1922 at St Catherine's Church, was created on the initiative of the city authorities. The authorship of the bust remains unclear - it is attributed to both Bolesław Syrewicz and Bolesław Bałzukiewicz, a professor at Stefan Batory University. The monument commemorates Moniuszko, who spent 18 years in Vilnius, creating, among others, the "Ostrobramskie Litanies" and the first version of the opera "Halka". After the war, the monument was restored several times after acts of devastation. Photo source: Digital collections of the National Library POLONA.

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Photo showing Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius in old photographs Photo showing Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius in old photographs Gallery of the object +1
Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko, 1922, Vilnius (Lithuania), photo 1929
Photo showing Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius in old photographs Photo showing Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Vilnius in old photographs Gallery of the object +1
Monument to Stanislaw Moniuszko, 1922, Vilnius (Lithuania), photo 1929

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