Bust of Adam Mickiewicz in St. John's Church in Vilnius, photo Piotr Pietryga, 2023
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Fototeka Instytutu Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Bust of Adam Mickiewicz in St. John\'s Church in Vilnius
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ID: POL-001491-P/140034

Bust of Adam Mickiewicz in St. John's Church in Vilnius

ID: POL-001491-P/140034

Bust of Adam Mickiewicz in St. John's Church in Vilnius

The bust is located at the end of the right-hand nave of the church, in front of the entrance to the chancel sphere (priest's choir) was erected to celebrate the centenary of the poet's birth - an inscription in Polish testifies to this: "To Adam Mickiewicz / 1798 + 1898".
"Monument to Adam Mickiewicz in St John's Church in Vilnius erected with contributions 1898. Monument of white marble and white Szydłowiec sandstone. Black-green granite plaque with gilded inscription. Columns of brown with white patches of marble with gilded heads. Under the niche, a flower of Lithuanian meadow fields in gilt bronze / Bust of the poet in bronze made by Prof. Gujski (his gift). At the top, a picture of Our Lady of the Dawn Gate, painted on tin by the artist Stanislaw Jarocki. The style is Renaissance with a touch of Baroque".

Time of origin:



Tadeusz Stryjeński (architekt; Polska, Szwajcaria)(preview), Marceli Guyski (rzeźbiarz; Polska)(preview), Stanisław Jarocki (malarz; Polska, Francja, Włochy, Niemcy)(preview)


  • Władysław Zahorski, Przewodnik po Wilnie, Wilno 1910, s. 184




Ostatnia aktualizacja:



Piotr Pietryga, Władysław Zahorski
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Bust of Adam Mickiewicz in St. John's Church in Vilnius
Bust of Adam Mickiewicz in St. John's Church in Vilnius, photo Piotr Pietryga, 2023

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