Polski nagrobek na cmentarzu w Raszkowie w Mołdawii przed konserwacją, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation and reconstruction work on Polish monuments in Rashkov
Polski nagrobek na cmentarzu w Raszkowie w Mołdawii przed konserwacją, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation and reconstruction work on Polish monuments in Rashkov
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ID: spol-000094-P/150585

Conservation and reconstruction work on Polish monuments in Rashkov

ID: spol-000094-P/150585

Conservation and reconstruction work on Polish monuments in Rashkov

Information about the object:
In 2020, conservation and restoration was given to the object, which consists of a cuboidal base made in four fragments of local limestone. On its base is situated a column (the base of the column is a cuboid inscribed in a square). At its base, a simple half-shaft is carved to suggest the integral element of the base. The tombstone's capitol has been very modestly designed using the simplest arrangements of profiles, partially preserved but with a large number of cavities. The column is surmounted by a marble gazon distinguished by the level of workshop workmanship from the limestone elements. No inscription was found on initial inspection.

The object is the only such original example of a gravestone form solution found in the Polish cemetery in Raszków. In order to stop the destructive processes and to restore the original artistic qualities of the composition, a full conservation and restoration of the tombstone was carried out together with the reconstruction of the lost elements.

Completed works:
The project consisted in carrying out further conservation works at the Polish Catholic cemetery in Raszków (continuation of previous activities financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage).

In previous years, local inspections and conservation commissions were carried out in the cemetery, during which the most valuable tombstones requiring comprehensive restoration - priceless in terms of artistic form and historical value - were selected.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Fundacja „Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie”, realizacja w roku 2020



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Photo showing Conservation and reconstruction work on Polish monuments in Rashkov Photo showing Conservation and reconstruction work on Polish monuments in Rashkov Gallery of the object +1
Polski nagrobek na cmentarzu w Raszkowie w Mołdawii przed konserwacją, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation and reconstruction work on Polish monuments in Rashkov Photo showing Conservation and reconstruction work on Polish monuments in Rashkov Gallery of the object +1
Polski nagrobek na cmentarzu w Raszkowie w Mołdawii przed konserwacją, photo 2020, all rights reserved

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