Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv
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ID: spol-000177-P/150689

Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv

ID: spol-000177-P/150689

Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv

Information about the object:
The Benedictine Nunnery, founded after 1593 and located at the foot of the High Castle, is the oldest Catholic female monastery in the Ruthenian lands of the Polish Crown; the southern wing was built as a result of a reconstruction of the Herburt manor house from the second half of the 16th century. In 1624 the construction of a brick church was completed to replace the earlier wooden one. Its location on the edge of what was then Lviv influenced the defensive nature of the church. The two-storey tower, which served as a bastion, was topped with a Renaissance attic.

The Benedictine nuns left Lviv in 1946, after the church and monastery were closed by the Soviet authorities. In 1990, the buildings were handed over to the Greek Catholic Studite Sisters.

All the sculptures were covered with secondary, thickly applied layers of polychrome, which obliterated the original sculptural form and contributed to the weakening of the limestone. The aesthetics of the figures were diminished by the improperly executed restorations; the zinc angel wings were heavily corroded. The figures were devoid of attributes. The paintings had been repainted several times; in 1940 they were covered with red paint, as a result of which they had lost much of their legibility.

Completed works:

The subject of the task was restoration work at the Benedictine Monastery in Lviv.

The works included: a set of three mid-18th-century sculptures on the western façade of the monastery (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, St. Scholastica, St. Benedict) together with the stone frame of the loggia - the former entrance to the monastery, a 19th-century sculpture of the Guardian Angel in the niche of the church tower, and paintings over the southern gate of the monastery, probably dating from the 18th century, The paintings above the southern gate to the monastery probably date from the 18th century, depicting the Virgin Mary surrounded by saints, adoring the Holy Trinity, and Michael the Archangel.

The conservation work to be carried out as part of the project will include conservation work at the oldest female Benedictine monastery in Lviv. Stage III of the works at the oldest female Benedictine monastery in Lviv consisted of carrying out work at the church and monastery complex of the Studite nuns (the former Benedictine monastery) - as part of the task, conservation and restoration work was carried out on the stonework of the monastery facade (the current school) - on the stonework of the windows and stone elements at the junction of the church and the monastery, and on the stone portal from 1780, located to the right of the entrance through the main gate of the monastery. The result of the task is to fully expose the charm of the Renaissance-Mannerist stonework of the church and monastery complex and the stone portal and to restore their aesthetic and artistic value.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Fundacja Dziedzictwa Kulturowego, realizacja w latach 2022 i 2023

Time of origin:

after 1593



Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

2022, 2023
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Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Photo showing Restoration work at the Benedictine monastery in Lviv Gallery of the object +8
Klasztor Sióstr Benedyktynek we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved

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