Historical interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - vaulted ceiling, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Historic interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - ornamentation, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Historic interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - a fragment of the vault, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Historic interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - ornamentation, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Zabytkowe wnętrza podominikańskiego klasztoru we Lwowie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Historical interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - detail, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Historical interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - detail, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Historical interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - wall paintings, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, all rights reserved
Source: z archiwum beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions
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ID: spol-000144-P/150649

Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions

ID: spol-000144-P/150649

Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions

Information about the object:
The monastery building was built in the 16th century using fragments of older buildings; hence the presence of Gothic elements in the wall structure (cloisters). After the war, a museum of religion and atheism was placed in the church and monastery. The archive was located in the room above the refectory; excessive strain on the central part of the vault caused cracks in the masonry and consequent damage to the stucco. The archive has now been moved out from above the refectory. Monitoring of the vault cracks showed the stability of the structure.

The rich stucco decoration from the 18th century and the paintings decorating the vault and the walls, due to their state of preservation, required urgent conservation measures. On the basis of the 2020 elaborated Conservation Programme, the first stage of work is being carried out, consisting of structural reinforcement of the cracked vault, exposing the original stucco colours and paintings from beneath the many layers.

Completed works:

2021 (stage I)
The task consists in carrying out rescue and conservation works in the interior of the refectory of the Dominican monastery in Lviv.

2022 (stage II)
The task was a continuation of the rescue and conservation work on the interior of the refectory of the Dominican monastery in Lviv, undertaken in 2021.

The work was carried out on the basis of a conservation work programme prepared in 2020 on behalf of the Polonika Institute. In 2021, technical conservation of the walls and the vault was carried out, consisting in the removal of secondary repaints and restorations and the consolidation of cracks in the walls. In 2022, strengthening of the plasterwork, restorations of stucco defects, reconstruction of missing parts based on surviving analogies and full conservation of the paintings on the shield walls in the lunettes were carried out.

Upon completion, the former refectory functions as an exhibition hall and chamber music hall.

2023 (Phase III)
This task is a continuation of the rescue and conservation work on the interior of the refectory of the Podominy Monastery in Lviv, undertaken in 2021. The rich stucco decoration of the eighteenth-century vault and the nineteenth-century paintings of Dominican monasteries in lunettes required urgent conservation work due to their poor state of preservation.

It is planned to carry out restoration work on the paintings in the lunettes and on the east wall of the hall during the current season.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl




  • Stowarzyszenie na rzecz ochrony dziedzictwa kultury KON-FEDERACJA, realizacja w latach 2021-2023

Time of origin:

18th century.



Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

2021, 2022, 2023
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Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Historical interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - vaulted ceiling, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Historic interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - ornamentation, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Historic interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - a fragment of the vault, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Historic interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - ornamentation, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Zabytkowe wnętrza podominikańskiego klasztoru we Lwowie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Historical interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - detail, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Historical interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - detail, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Historical interiors of the Dominican monastery in Lviv - wall paintings, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Wnętrze refektarza klasztoru podominikańskiego we Lwowie, photo A. Kurek, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Photo showing Restoration and conservation work on the interior of a Dominican monastery in Lviv - now the Lviv Museum of Religions Gallery of the object +22
Refektarz w dawnym klasztorze dominikańskim we Lwowie - obecnym Lwowskim Muzeum Religii, photo 2023, all rights reserved

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