Nagrobek na cmentarzu na Starej Rossie w Wilnie, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Nagrobek na cmentarzu na Starej Rossie w Wilnie, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Nagrobek na cmentarzu na Starej Rossie w Wilnie, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Nagrobek na cmentarzu na Starej Rossie w Wilnie, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Archival photograph of the monument to Szymon Konarski in Vilnius, all rights reserved
Source: z materiałów beneficjenta
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Tombstone of Bohdan Zaniewski in Vilnius Bernardine Cemetery, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Tombstone of Henryk Petrykowski in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Tombstone of Henryk Petrykowski in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Tombstone of Mundzia Oszurko, Zofia Korklińska and Zofia Oszurko in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Tombstone of Mundzia Oszurko, Zofia Korklińska and Zofia Oszurko in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
Tombstone of Mundzia Oszurko, Zofia Korklińska and Zofia Oszurko in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania
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ID: spol-000182-P/150694

Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania

ID: spol-000182-P/150694

Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania

Information about the object:
Tombstones in poor technical condition, distinguished by their historical and artistic value, were selected for the works. From the tombstone of the Sajkowski family, dating from the first half of the 20th century, an irregularly shaped stele has been preserved. The object, with a form quite typical for cemeteries in Vilnius, is distinguished by the figure of Katarzyna Lachowicz, a veteran of the January Uprising, who is buried there. Of artistic value is the tomb of August Targoński, with an ornamentally decorated stele, forming the base of an unpreserved cross.

The monument was erected in 1924 on the spot where Szymon Konarski died, thanks to the efforts of Professor Juliusz Kłos. The eagle placed on the cast concrete base was removed in the 1950s or 1960s.

Stara Rossa Cemetery, the most famous of Vilnius cemeteries, was established in 1769; since 1801 it has functioned as a municipal cemetery. It owes its picturesque location to a moraine hill with a difference in ground level of up to 30 metres. During the communist years it was deliberately devastated; since 1990 restoration work on the cemetery has been carried out by the Social Committee for the Care of Stara Rossa.

The Bernardine Cemetery was moved to its present location on the slope of the Vilnia River in 1810 from St Anne's Church. It still contains many tombstones of significant artistic value. As in the Old Ross Cemetery, many people of merit to Polish science and culture are buried there.

Completed works:

The project included conservation work carried out in Vilnius on two tombstones from the Old Ross Cemetery and the monument to Szymon Konarski in Muitines Street.

In 2020, the Social Committee for the Care of Old Rossa applied to the administration of the Vilnius City Government for permission to restore the monument to Szymon Konarski, a November insurgent active in Lithuania and Poland who was executed in Muitinės Street. At the request of the Department of the Chief Architect of the city, the Vilnius Historical Memorial Commission approved the restoration of the monument to its original appearance by restoring the eagle sculpture on the preserved pedestal.

The project concerns carrying out conservation work on two tombstones from the Old Ross Cemetery in Vilnius (Henryk Petrykowski and Mundz Oszurko, Zofia Korklinska and Zofia Oszurko) and one from the Bernardine Cemetery (Bohdan Zaniewski).

The work programmes include the uprighting of tombstones, repairing cracked metal elements (cleaning, gluing, painting with anticorrosive paints), reconstruction of missing or damaged parts of monuments and fences on the basis of archival photographs or analogies, restoring polish to stone elements). In the case of the corner-situated gravestone of Mundz Oszurko, a new reinforced concrete external wall will be constructed to stop landslides.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:


  • Fundacja „Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie”, realizacja w roku 2022 i 2023

Time of origin:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

2022, 2023
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Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Nagrobek na cmentarzu na Starej Rossie w Wilnie, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Nagrobek na cmentarzu na Starej Rossie w Wilnie, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Nagrobek na cmentarzu na Starej Rossie w Wilnie, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Nagrobek na cmentarzu na Starej Rossie w Wilnie, photo 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Archival photograph of the monument to Szymon Konarski in Vilnius, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Tombstone of Bohdan Zaniewski in Vilnius Bernardine Cemetery, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Tombstone of Henryk Petrykowski in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Tombstone of Henryk Petrykowski in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Tombstone of Mundzia Oszurko, Zofia Korklińska and Zofia Oszurko in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Tombstone of Mundzia Oszurko, Zofia Korklińska and Zofia Oszurko in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Photo showing Restoration work at Vilnius cemeteries and Polish monuments in Vilnius, Lithuania Gallery of the object +10
Tombstone of Mundzia Oszurko, Zofia Korklińska and Zofia Oszurko in the Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius, photo 2023, all rights reserved

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