Witold Pruszkowski, Portrait of Mrs Fedorowiczowa, oil on canvas, 1879, Lviv Art Gallery
License: public domain, Source: Artykuł Aleksandry Majerskiej pt. „Witold Pruszkowski 1846-1896”, „Sztuki Piękne”,1934, nr 3, s. 1-101, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery
Witold Pruszkowski, Pochód na Sybir, oil on canvas, Lviv Art Gallery
License: public domain, Source: Artykuł Aleksandry Majerskiej pt. „Witold Pruszkowski 1846-1896”, „Sztuki Piękne”,1934, nr 3, s. 1-101, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery
Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery
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ID: DAW-000061-P/118536

Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery

ID: DAW-000061-P/118536

Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery

Three reproductions of paintings by Witold Pruszkowski held in the Lvov Picture Gallery as illustrations of Aleksandra Majerska's article "Witold Pruszkowski 1846-1896", published in the journal "Fine Arts",1934, no. 3, pp. 1-101 (public domain, reprinted after the Library of the University of Silesia, Katowice. "Witold Pruszkowski 1846-1896" published in the journal "Sztuki Piękne",1934, no. 3, pp. 1-101 (public domain, reprinted after Library of the University of Silesia, Katowice).


Witold Pruszkowski (Вітольд Прушковський; malarz, rysownik; Polska, Ukraina, Węgry)(preview)




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Witold Pruszkowski, Portrait of Mrs Fedorowiczowa, oil on canvas, 1879, Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15
Witold Pruszkowski, Portrait of Mrs Fedorowiczowa, oil on canvas, 1879, Lviv Art Gallery
Witold Pruszkowski, Pochód na Sybir, oil on canvas, Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15
Witold Pruszkowski, Pochód na Sybir, oil on canvas, Lviv Art Gallery
Witold Pruszkowski, Willow, pastel, Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15
Witold Pruszkowski, Willow, pastel, Lviv Art Gallery
Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15

Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Photo showing Reproductions of paintings by Vytautas Pruszkowski from the Lviv Art Gallery Gallery of the object +15



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