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ID: POL-000076-P/49914

Sculpture by Guillaume Coustou the Elder of Marie Leszczynska, Queen of France, as Juno, from the Louvre collection

ID: POL-000076-P/49914

Sculpture by Guillaume Coustou the Elder of Marie Leszczynska, Queen of France, as Juno, from the Louvre collection

Variants of the name:

Marie Leszczynska en Junon, reine de France

Marble sculpture by Guillaume Coustou the Elder, depicting the Queen of Poland and Queen of France Marie Leszczynska (1703-1768) as Juno. Commissioned in 1925 by the Duc d'Antin, Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin, acting superintendent and general administrator of the estates of Louis XV, for the collection of the royal family. Made between 1726 and 1731, it formed a pendant in the park of the Château Petit-Bourg (Essonne) to a statue of Louis XV as Jupiter, sculpted by the artist's elder brother, Nicolas Coustou. From 1736 in the gardens of Versailles. Initially situated in the Dauphin's grove, it was moved to the park setting at the Grand Trianon in 1776. After the confiscation of the sculpture during the French Revolution, it was displayed from 1796 to 1816 in the controversial Museum of French Monuments and Antiquities (Musée des Antiquités et Monuments Français), founded by Alexandre Lenoir. In 1824, it was returned to Versailles, where it was situated next to the garden cascade. From 1837 in the historical gallery of the palace. In the Louvre collection from 1850 (MR 1813).

Opis obiektu w katalogu A nos Grand Hommes, Musée d'Orsay,

Strona internetowa Luwru,



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Guillaume Coustou Starszy (malarz, rzeźbiarz; Francja)




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