Atelier of Georges Desmarées, portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska, after 1730, oil on canvas, photo Norbert Piwowarczyk, 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Joseph Vivien, portrait of Therese Kunegunda, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Coat of arms of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the facade of the Theatine Church on Odeonsplatz in Munich, photo Ewa Kokot, 2023
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Henri Gascar, 'John III Sobieski with his family', second half of the 17th century, oil on canvas, Residenz München
License: public domain, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Andreas Wolff, portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, 1704, oil on canvas, Nymphenburg Palace
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Pierre Denis Martin (attributed), equestrian portrait of John III Sobieski, oil on canvas, Neues Schloss Schleissheim - Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Joseph Vivien, "Allegory of the reunion of Elector Max Emanuel with his family", 1733, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Maria Kazimiera with her children, second half of the 17th century, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Jan III Sobieski, second half of the 17th century, oil on canvas, Old Pinakothek, Munich
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Stara Pinakoteka w Monachium, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Jan III Sobieski, second half of the 17th century, oil on canvas, Old Pinakothek, Munich
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Stara Pinakoteka w Monachium, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Alexander Benedict Sobieski, con. 17th century, oil on canvas, Old Pinakothek, Munich
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Stara Pinakoteka w Monachium, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Marie Casimée d'Arquien, second half of the 17th century, oil on canvas, Old Pinakothek, Munich
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Stara Pinakoteka w Monachium, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, con. 18th c., pastel on parchment, Old Pinakothek, Munich
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Stara Pinakoteka w Monachium, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Michael Hartwagner, Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska, ca. 1765/70, oil on canvas, Bavarian State Painting Collection
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Martin Maingaud, 'Electress Thérèse Kunegunda', c. 1699, oil on canvas, Bavarian State Painting Collection
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Pierre-Denis Martin, "Battle of Lemberg", 1690-1710, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Pierre-Denis Martin, "Battle of Chocim", 1698 or later, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Palace Schleissheim
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Pierre-Denis Martin, 'Battle of the Parklands', 1698 or later, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Pierre-Denis Martin, "Battle of Vienna", 1698 or later, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Pierre-Denis Martin, "Battle of Ostrzyhom", 1698 or later, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Pierre-Denis Martin, "Battle of Zurawno", 1698 or later, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Pierre-Denis Martin, 'Battle of the Bukovina', 1705, oil on canvas, State Gallery at the New Schleissheim Palace
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego - Galeria Państwowa w Nowym Pałacu Schleissheim, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Joseph Vivien (copy by), portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, oil on canvas, Bavarian State Painting Collection
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie zbiory malarstwa państwowego, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska, ca. 1710, miniature, Bavarian State Museum
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie Muzeum Narodowe, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, early 18th century, miniature, Bavarian State Museum
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Bawarskie Muzeum Narodowe, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
François de Troy, portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, ca. 1690, oil on canvas, Lviv Art Gallery
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Teresa Kunegunda Sobieska, 1780s, oil on canvas, Olesko Castle
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
F. J. Strebell, portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, 1728, oil on canvas
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Joseph Vivien (copy by), portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, after 1711
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Peter Jacob Horemans, portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, 18th century, oil on canvas
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Portrait of Teresa Kunegunda Sobieska, 18th century, oil on canvas
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Wolfgang Philipp Kilian, portrait of Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska, 1694, copperplate, Austrian National Library
License: public domain, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
Page from the prayer book of Maria Kazimiera Sobieska, 1677, Bavarian State Library
License: CC BY 1.0, Source: Bawarska Biblioteka Państwowa, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace
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ID: POL-000073-P/49911

Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace

ID: POL-000073-P/49911

Portrait of Therese Kunegunda Sobieska in the New Schleißheim Palace

Oil painting on canvas from 1719 by Joseph Vivien. It depicts Therese Kunigunde, daughter of King John III Sobieski and Marie Casimire d'Arquien.Therese Kunigunde was the second wife of the Elector of Bavaria Maximilian II Emanuel. After her marriage she was called Kurfürstin Therese Kunigunde. The portrait belongs to the Bavarian State Collection of Paintings and is kept in the State Gallery in the New Schleißheim Palace.

Time of origin:



Franz Joseph Winter (malarz; Niemcy), Martin Maingaud (malarz; Francja)


Bartłomiej Gutowski
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