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ID: POL-001386-P/135143

Altar paintings from the Passion cycle at Monte San Savino

ID: POL-001386-P/135143

Altar paintings from the Passion cycle at Monte San Savino

In the baroque altars of the former chapel, paintings by Tadeusz Boruta "Pentecoste" [Pentecost] 275 x 165 cm, Pieta 210 x 165 cm and paintings by Aldona Mickiewicz "Crowding" 210 x 165 cm, "Tent of Meeting", "Tempus fugit" were inserted.

The Krakow painters, who constantly return to religious themes and Christian symbolism in their work, were commissioned by the Swiss lawyer Ulrich Meierhans, who was implementing a bequest from an anonymous American millionaire by revitalising the neglected Benedictine monastery of Monte San Savino, built in the 14th century. The abbey and church had already been desacralised in 1961. The decoration of the chapel was entrusted to Boruta and Mickiewicz in 1992, and the artists worked there for six months. In 1993, the paintings were exhibited at the Istituto Polacco in Rome. Both artists entered into a dialogue with old painting and attempted a modern interpretation of religious themes. Boruta, as in many of his other paintings, introduced personal allusions into the traditional great themes of Christian iconography, creating in an expressive ecstatic formula a narrative as if from contemporary passion plays. Mickiewicz, usually travestying various still-life traditions, did not address religious themes so directly. Her 'Stamping Ground' is primarily an image of concrete equipment that can still be seen in Italian towns - the Christological associations here are very discreet. In doing so, the painter referred to the inspiration of Piero della Francesca's frescoes from nearby Arezzo (especially in the painting 'Tent of Meeting', a direct reference to the scene of 'Constantine's Dream').

The centre, which was interrupted by Meierhans' death, was subsequently sold and is now a hotel complex.

Time of origin:



Tadeusz Boruta (malarz; Polska)(aperçu)


  • P. Mucharski, Cud w Monte San Savino, „Tygodnik Powszechny”, 1993, nr 10
  • Tadeusz Boruta. Dipinti e disegni, kat. wyst. w Centrocivico w Lugano, Lugano 1994, s. 13-16.
  • T. Boruta, O malowaniu duszy i ciała, Kielce 2006, s. 189-198
  • K. Czerni, Tłocznia mistyczna z Monte San Savino, „Znak”, 652, 2009, nr 9.




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