Olga Boznańska, Portrait de Konstancja Dygatowa, huile sur toile, 1907
Licence: public domain, Source: Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna di Ca’ Pesaro, Wenecja © Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Olga Boznańska, Portrait of Konstancja Dygatowa
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ID: POL-001981-P/160608

Olga Boznańska, Portrait of Konstancja Dygatowa

ID: POL-001981-P/160608

Olga Boznańska, Portrait of Konstancja Dygatowa

The 21st edition of the Venice Biennale took place in 1938. Invited by the curator of the Polish Pavilion, Mieczysław Treter, Boznańska has her solo exhibition there, where she presents 27 works. She sells five paintings, one of which, 'Portrait of Constance Dygatowe' from 1907, is bought for 6,000 French francs by King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy and donated to the Venice Museum that same year. Today it is in the collection of the Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna di Ca' Pesaro in Venice.

The portrait depicts Konstancja Karpinska - Dygatowa, Ludwik Dygat's second wife, mother of Antoni (architect) and Stanislaw (diplomat), grandmother of Stanislaw (writer). Mr and Mrs Dygat lived in France for many years, where in Paris Konstancja ran a boarding house for Poles, which was located in the same building where Boznańska had her studio. Hence the acquaintance and friendship between the two ladies. Boznańska painted another portrait of her, which was probably destroyed in Warsaw during the Second World War.

It was purchased for the collection of the City of Venice at the XXI Venice Biennale, 1938, by King Victor Emmanuel III.

Technical data: oil, canvas, 100 × 77 cm.

Time of origin:



Olga Boznańska (malarka; Polska, Francja)(aperçu)




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Stefania Krzysztofowicz-Kozakowska
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Photo montrant Olga Boznańska, Portrait of Konstancja Dygatowa
Olga Boznańska, Portrait de Konstancja Dygatowa, huile sur toile, 1907

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