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Cyprian Godebski, pomnik Adriena-François Servais’a, projekt 1866 ?, odsłonięcie 1871, marmur, Halle/ Hal, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2010
Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0, Źródło: Instytut Polonika, Warunki licencji
Fotografia przedstawiająca Monument to the cellist Adrien-François Servais in Halle
Cyprian Godebski, pomnik Adriena-François Servais’a, projekt 1866 ?, odsłonięcie 1871, marmur, Halle/ Hal, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2010
Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0, Źródło: Instytut Polonika, Warunki licencji
Fotografia przedstawiająca Monument to the cellist Adrien-François Servais in Halle
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ID: POL-001352-P

Monument to the cellist Adrien-François Servais in Halle

ID: POL-001352-P

Monument to the cellist Adrien-François Servais in Halle

Godebski arrived in Belgium probably invited by his uncle, Józef Kalasanty Godebski, who lived there. He undertook the decoration of the façade (and probably also the interior) of Adrien-François Servais's villa in Hal. In 1865 he became engaged to Sophie, daughter of this famous cello virtuoso and composer; their wedding took place at Hal, shortly before Servais' death. To his father-in-law's contacts, the sculptor then owed numerous commissions in Belgium and in international music circles. Godebski's greatest work in Belgium, however, became a monument to his father-in-law in the main square of his home town. He received the commission from the town council very quickly and without any reservations. Godebski executed the monument during periods of visits to Hal, generally staying in St Petersburg.

A statue of the virtuoso on a high plinth, it depicts him in contemporary costume, holding a cello. At his feet, a carved laurel wreath with the inscription 'Odessa', alludes to an authentic event - a gift from the Odessa aristocracy, who presented him with a wreath of gold after Servais' concert. This was the sculptor's first realisation of a full-figure monument, which subsequently became one of his specialities - at the same time, it is arguably the best of this type of work in his entire oeuvre. Godebski combined the monumental dimension of commemorating a prominent figure with a realistic, almost generic depiction.

The inscriptions on the pedestal are in Flemish (the French have been removed).

Godebski made still smaller replicas of the monument, including one for the family. In 1882, he also made a marble portrait of him in bust, for the Conservatoire Royal de Musique in Brussels (where it still stands today). Servais's statue became very popular and became a landmark of the city; it appears on most of the publications and posters of the Servais Association in Hal, and on the covers of the composer's music CDs.

The statue regained its lustre after extensive restoration in 1999.

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Time of origin:
designed 1866?, unveiled 1.10.1871.
Cyprian Godebski (rzeźbiarz; Polska, Francja)(preview)
  • Peter François, Adrien-Francois Servais 1807-2007. Halse cellist met wereldfaam, kat. wyst., Halle 2007, s. 66-67.
  • Andrzej Pieńkos, Cyprian Godebski, rzeźbiarz muzyki belgijskiej, „Spotkania z zabytkami”, 2012, nr 9-10, s. 24-27.
  • Andrzej Pieńkos, „Zapomniane arcydzieło akademickiego portretu. Zapomniane ogniwo belgijsko-polskich relacji, Scontrum, kat. wyst. w Muz. rzeźby w Królikarni”, Warszawa 2013..
  • A. Pieńkos, „Cyprien Godebski et sa position inter-nationale à Paris à l’époque de Gautier et de Bourdelle”, „Rocznik Historii Sztuki” 44, 2019, s. 119-120.
  • W archiwach Servais w Zuidwestbrabants Museum w Hal zachował się list z 1870 r., w którym Godebski z Petersburga upoważnia żonę do odbioru pieniędzy za pomnik jej ojca w Hal; także fotografia rodziny w pawilonie ogrodowym Servais’ów w Hal z okazji inauguracji pomnika; dokumenty dot. samej inauguracji..
prof. Andrzej Pieńkos
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