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Jan Szymon Lobaczyński, „Portret księdza Ernesta Ch. Boldicha”, 1706, olej płótno, Helsingør, kościół klasztorny Sankt Mariae Kirke, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2016
Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0, Źródło: Instytut Polonika, Warunki licencji
Fotografia przedstawiająca Portrait of Father Ernest Ch. Boldich in Helsingør
Jan Szymon Lobaczyński, „Portret księdza Ernesta Ch. Boldicha”, 1706, olej płótno, Helsingør, kościół klasztorny Sankt Mariae Kirke, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2016
Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0, Źródło: Instytut Polonika, Warunki licencji
Fotografia przedstawiająca Portrait of Father Ernest Ch. Boldich in Helsingør
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ID: POL-001433-P

Portrait of Father Ernest Ch. Boldich in Helsingør

ID: POL-001433-P

Portrait of Father Ernest Ch. Boldich in Helsingør

Variants of the name:
Portraett af praest Ernest Ch. Boldich

Pastor Ernest Ch. Boldich (1651-1706) died in Helsingør and was buried at Sankt Mariae Kirke. He was educated in Germany, among other places in Jena. From 1688 he held the position of chaplain at Kronborg Castle and was associated with the nearby St Mary's Church (he was rector here until his death). He published a collection of his theological texts in German, and it seems that his association with the church - which had been at the disposal of the Dutch-German Lutheran community in Helsingør since the late 16th century - was linked to this kind of preparation. Lobaczynski's painting appears to be his only surviving image.

The Gothic church, after the cathedral the city's second temple, was built after 1430 for the Carmelite order. It and the entire monastery underwent major restoration in 1902-1907, but it has not been established whether this included the paintings. The decoration includes a unique group of 14 (mostly full-figure) depictions of priests serving as rectors, dating from the mid-16th century to 1786: Boldich's portrait is juxtaposed with a painting very similar in convention and composition to his predecessor, Pastor J.V. Stemann, who was the father-in-law of the Carmelites. Stemann, who was the painter's father-in-law.

Lobaczynski (Lobasinsky) remains a mysterious figure. It is known that he came from Lida (near Vilnius, now Belarus), was a Protestant, obtained citizenship of the city of Helsingør in 1699, married there and died in 1707 at the age of 42. In the present state of preservation it is difficult to comment on the painting values of the work, undoubtedly the portrait represents the traditional simple convention present in images of clergymen or founders in many churches in Denmark and Sweden, referring to Dutch painting of the second half of the 16th century.

The painting is signed and dated "I. Lobaczynskj fecit 1706', and also bears a long inscription in German on the frame.

The portrait of the pastor hangs on the brick wall of the north aisle, above the entrance to the monastery, in a gallery of similar images of other pastors from the 17th and 18th centuries. On the opposite wall of the same aisle, on the outer walls of the emporium, are three other paintings by Lobaczynski, dated the previous year.

The portrait's state of preservation is poor, with the canvas wrinkled and the dark parts poorly legible. The painting has been restored several times.

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Time of origin:
Jan Szymon Lobaczyński (malarz; Dania)(preview)
  • Jensen J.S., Jan Szymon Lobaczyński. Malarz polski w Danii na przełomie XVII i XVIII wieku, „Biuletyn Historii Sztuki”, 1967, nr 4, s. 532-535.
Ostatnia aktualizacja:
prof. Andrzej Pieńkos
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