Unia Lubelska Street in Brest-on-Bug, before 1935 - in the foreground on the left the building of the Polesie Land Reclamation Project; photo unknown (postcard), photo 1935, all rights reserved
Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - facade design, 1928; source: Archive of New Records, photo 1928, all rights reserved
Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - 1st floor plan, 1928; source: Archive of New Records, photo 1928, all rights reserved
Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office, before 1939; source: National Digital Archive, photo 1939
License: public domain, Source: Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug
Lenina Street - present-day view; photo: M. Pszczółkowski, photo Michał Pszczółkowski, all rights reserved
Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lenina Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski, photo Michał Pszczółkowski, all rights reserved
Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lewoniewskiego Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski, photo Michał Pszczółkowski, all rights reserved
Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lewoniewskiego Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski, photo Michał Pszczółkowski, all rights reserved
Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug
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ID: POL-001198-P/134747

Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug

ID: POL-001198-P/134747

Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug

Variants of the name:

Biuro w Brześciu nad Bugiem, Biuro Projektu Melioracji Polesia

By a decree of the President of the Republic of 15 February 1928, the Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office was established, with its headquarters in Brest-on-the-Bug, the capital of the Polesie Voivodeship at that time. The institution was subordinate directly to the Ministry of Public Works, and was headed by a director, appointed by the President on the proposal of the Minister of Public Works. This became Eng. Józef Pruchnik (1873-1951), who had served as Minister of Public Works in the years 1918-1919.

The Bureau's primary objective was to develop a general project and cost estimate for the drainage of Polesia. The drainage project covered the Polesie voivodeship and partly the Volhynia, Białystok and Nowogródek voivodeships, with a total area of 5.8 million hectares (including 1.5 hectares of Polesie marshes). The project was to include both the regulation of rivers and natural and artificial navigable waterways, as well as basic land reclamation on the basis of technical measurements and surveys.


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Michał Pszczółkowski
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Unia Lubelska Street in Brest-on-Bug, before 1935 - in the foreground on the left the building of the Polesie Land Reclamation Project; photo unknown (postcard) Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug Gallery of the object +7
Unia Lubelska Street in Brest-on-Bug, before 1935 - in the foreground on the left the building of the Polesie Land Reclamation Project; photo unknown (postcard), photo 1935, all rights reserved
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - facade design, 1928; source: Archive of New Records Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug Gallery of the object +7
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - facade design, 1928; source: Archive of New Records, photo 1928, all rights reserved
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - 1st floor plan, 1928; source: Archive of New Records Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug Gallery of the object +7
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - 1st floor plan, 1928; source: Archive of New Records, photo 1928, all rights reserved
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office, before 1939; source: National Digital Archive Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug Gallery of the object +7
Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office, before 1939; source: National Digital Archive, photo 1939
Lenina Street - present-day view; photo: M. Pszczółkowski Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug Gallery of the object +7
Lenina Street - present-day view; photo: M. Pszczółkowski, photo Michał Pszczółkowski, all rights reserved
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lenina Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug Gallery of the object +7
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lenina Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski, photo Michał Pszczółkowski, all rights reserved
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lewoniewskiego Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug Gallery of the object +7
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lewoniewskiego Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski, photo Michał Pszczółkowski, all rights reserved
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lewoniewskiego Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski Photo showing Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office in Brest-on-Bug Gallery of the object +7
Former Polesie Land Reclamation Project Office - contemporary view (from Lewoniewskiego Street); photo: M. Pszczółkowski, photo Michał Pszczółkowski, all rights reserved

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