Stateroom in the Royal House before restoration, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall
Kamienica Królewska we Lwowie przed konerwacją, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall
Kamienica Królewska we Lwowie przed konerwacją, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall
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ID: spol-000081-P/150571

The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall

ID: spol-000081-P/150571

The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall

Information about the object:
The Royal Tenement House in Lviv was built for a merchant who came from Crete, Konstantin Koniakt in 1580. The architect was Peter Barbon, although some researchers consider the tenements to be a design by Pavel Roman. The Coniaktas gave the building to the Carmelites in 1623, and from them, in 1640, it was bought by Jakub and Teofila Sobieski. After their death, Jan III Sobieski became the owner of the tenement house. As the building became one of the monarch's residences, it was given the nickname "royal". It was furnished with special flats on the first floor, the decoration of which has been preserved to this day. In 2020, the Polonica Institute financed the renovation of the historic hallway located on the first floor of the building.

Completed works:
The project was a continuation of a task started in 2019 and consisted in carrying out conservation work on the interior of the representative hall on the first floor in the annex of the Royal Tenement House (Korniakt Palace) in Lviv.

The largest hall of the tenement houses a ceiling frieze with a floral-plant arabesque composition and a wooden ceiling with elements of sculptural decoration. After the failure of the central heating system and as the years passed, the condition of the ceiling and the paintings increasingly urgently required conservation intervention. Repeatedly repainted, the paintings as well as the ceiling and walls had lost the character of the period and the interior of the representative hall. Thanks to a thorough conservation study carried out in 2018, a detailed conservation project was established and developed to restore the historic qualities of these rooms and bring out the preserved oldest chronological phases. A full conservation of the wooden ceiling has already been carried out in 2019.

In addition, during the course of the work, fragments of additional paintings on the frieze of the hall were discovered (from under a layer of 20th-century Renaissance plaster). These can be found in the lintels and window lintels as well as on the hall frieze on the north and south walls. Due to the discovery made during the project, it was determined that the newly exposed Renaissance fragments needed to be fully conserved. It was decided to modify the task and extend it to include the adaptation of the conserved Renaissance paintings to the more recent (20th century) arrangement of the frieze. Attempts were also made to adapt the already exposed early 20th century paintings to the Renaissance paintings.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:


  • Stowarzyszenie na rzecz ochrony dziedzictwa kultury KON-FEDERACJA, realizacja w latach 2019-2020

Time of origin:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

2020, 2019
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Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Gallery of the object +7
Stateroom in the Royal House before restoration, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Gallery of the object +7
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Gallery of the object +7
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Gallery of the object +7
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Gallery of the object +7
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Gallery of the object +7
Fragment fryzu przed konserwacją w Kamienicy Królewskiej we Lwowie, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Gallery of the object +7
Kamienica Królewska we Lwowie przed konerwacją, photo 2019, all rights reserved
Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Photo showing The Royal House in Lviv - restoration work in the representative hall Gallery of the object +7
Kamienica Królewska we Lwowie przed konerwacją, photo 2019, all rights reserved

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