Witraż w kaplicy Matki Bożej w Katedrze Łacińskiej we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine)
Witraż w kaplicy Matki Bożej w Katedrze Łacińskiej we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine)
Witraż w kaplicy Matki Bożej w Katedrze Łacińskiej we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine)
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ID: spol-000206-P/150718

Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine)

ID: spol-000206-P/150718

Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine)

Information about the object:
The chapel with the stained-glass window owes its name to a copy of the miraculous painting of the Black Madonna which was placed in the altar in 1870. The chapel was traditionally cared for by a brotherhood of merchants. The brotherhood founded a stained-glass window for the chapel window depicting the Virgin Mary of Loreto surrounded by adoring angels. The stained glass window was probably created in 1897 in the workshop of Franco Mayer in Munich. It was heavily damaged during the Second World War; since the restoration carried out in the 1980s, the condition of the stained glass has deteriorated considerably.

Completed works:
In 2023, restoration work will be carried out on a stained glass window depicting the Virgin Mary among angels, located in the chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa on the south wall of the Latin Cathedral. The work will be carried out in the workshop, after the stained glass quarters have been removed. The window opening will be protected with OSB. After cleaning and making imprints of the stained glass fields, the quatrefoils will be dismantled, the remains of old resins and adhesives will be removed. Glazing of all the glass will be carried out, retouching of the painting, replacement of colour mismatched previous restorations, gluing of cracked glass, assembling the glass conservation into new lead profiles.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Stowarzyszenie Oświaty i Kultury Polskiej, realizacja w roku 2023

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Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine) Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine) Gallery of the object +2
Witraż w kaplicy Matki Bożej w Katedrze Łacińskiej we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine) Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine) Gallery of the object +2
Witraż w kaplicy Matki Bożej w Katedrze Łacińskiej we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine) Photo showing Conservation of a stained-glass window from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the Latin Rite Cathedral of Lviv (Ukraine) Gallery of the object +2
Witraż w kaplicy Matki Bożej w Katedrze Łacińskiej we Lwowie, photo 2023, all rights reserved

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