Valentin Schertle, portrait of Marceli Lubomirski, 1839, Public domain
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Photo showing Marceli Lubomirski
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ID: OS-009353-P/170266

Marceli Lubomirski

ID: OS-009353-P/170266

Marceli Lubomirski

First name:


Last Name:



Józef Lubomirski i Dorota Stecka


Szreniawa bez Krzyża

Date of birth:


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Date of death:


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Marceli Lubomirski (1810-1865), Duke, Count of Wiśnicz and Jarosław, was born on 15 March 1810 in Niewirków. He was the son of the senator-castellan of the Kingdom of Poland, Prince Józef Lubomirski, and Dorota Stecka.

On 4 June 1837, in Warsaw, he married Jadwiga Jabłonowska (1819-1894), daughter of Maksymilian Jabłonowski and Teresa Lubomirska. The couple had a son, Józef Lubomirski (1838-1911), who became a pawn of Emperor Nicholas I and later an author of novels in French. Relations between the couple broke down due to suspicions against Jadwiga of collaboration with the Tsarist police and Marceli's controversial financial dealings, which led to their separation.

After leaving Poland, Marceli settled in London, where his flat became a meeting place for emigrants from Poland, Hungary and France. He later stayed in Brussels and in New York, where he hid from his creditors. At the end of 1862, he settled in Paris, where he gained access to the circle of Prince Napoleon Bonaparte.

While in New York, Marceli began a relationship with the former actress Eliza Thiébault (Thiebault), with whom he had a son August and two daughters. One of the daughters died in infancy and the other was born just before the duke's death. Marceli forbade Augustus to use the family name.

During the January Uprising, he became involved in the activities of the so-called Branicki Committee, which agitated for Poland and maintained contacts with the international left. The Committee was dissolved by the National Government in May 1863.

He died on 18 August 1865 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, in his flat at 18 Boulevard Bineau, at the age of 55. The death was reported by Prosper Charveys (43) and François Hilaire Hussard (55), residents of Neuilly. The news of his death was announced in an obituary:

"Le Prince Père, la Veuve et les Enfants du defunt, ont l'honneur de vous faire de la part perte doulloureuse qu'il viennens de faire en la personne de S.A. le Prince Marcellin Szreniawa Lubomirski, comte de Wisnicz et de Jaroslaw, L.L..L fils, epoux et Père, décédé dans sa 55 année muni des Sacrements de l'Eglise, en son domicle à Paris Boulevard Bineau No 18. Le ceremonie aura leiu Lundi 21 aout 1865 a 11 heures en l'Eglise de Neuilly (Seine). Priere pour Lui".

The funeral ceremony took place on 21 August 1865 at the church in Neuilly. The funeral was attended by four people: the deceased's son Augustus, Eliza Thiébault, Prince Aleksander Lubomirski and Karolina Nakwaska, née Potocka.

Cyprian Norwid, who helped organise the funeral, wrote to Marian Sokołowski in November 1865:

"Since some time I have fulfilled my duties towards the late Prince Marceli [Lubomirski] and I am freer".

On 14 November 1865, Norwid probably participated in the exhumation of the Duke's corpse and its transfer to the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

Marceli Lubomirski's grave was located in the 22nd division of the Père-Lachaise cemetery, under number 145796, but has not survived to the present day. The location of the grave was, however, noted on the plans of the cemetery.


  1. BXXCz syg. 6982 vol. 2 s. 1373.
  2. ADep. of Hauts-de-Seine, Neuilly-sur-Seine records no. 293 of 1865.
  3. GW of 10 October 1865.


  • Polski Słownik Biograficzny, t. 18, s. 33-34.
  • Józef Lubomirski, „Historia pewnej ruiny. Pamiętniki 1839-1870”, wstęp i komentarz Juliusz W. Gomulicki, Warszawa 1975.
  • Bogdan Biela, „Norwid głównym świadkiem na ślubie młodego »artysty« malarza w Neuilly”, „Studia Norwidiana”, s. 207-213.



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Photo showing Marceli Lubomirski
Valentin Schertle, portrait of Marceli Lubomirski, 1839, Public domain

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