Tombstone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of the Garapich de Sichelburg family
Fragment of a gravestone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of the Garapich de Sichelburg family
Inscription from the gravestone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017
Photo showing Tombstone of the Garapich de Sichelburg family
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ID: NGR-014572-P/109727

Tombstone of the Garapich de Sichelburg family

Cemetery in Cebrów
ID: NGR-014572-P/109727

Tombstone of the Garapich de Sichelburg family

Symbolic gravestone marked by a tombstone on a two-stage base on which a stele. Stele with cut-out upper sides, on its own plinth and base, surmounted by a cross. Engraved inscriptions on the front (1) and back (2) of the stele. Above the inscription on the back is engraved the Garapich family coat of arms. On the front in front of the tombstone three diagonal panels with engraved inscription (3),(4),(5).


1. GRÓB RODZINY / GRAPICHÓW de SICHELBURG / NON OMNIS MORIAR / KAZIMIERZ GARAPICH / 1878 – 1940 / Syn Michała i Laury z domu hr. Wodzickiej / Właściciel dóbr ziemskich w Cebrowie / i okolicach, które ukochał. Zamordowany w Tarnopolu pamięć o nim trwa / W 75 rocznicę śmierci / Rodzina / Na tym cmentarzu spoczywają krewni / Kazimierza, pierwotnie pochowani w / kaplicy, zburzonej w 1944 roku, / związani z Cebrowem: / Laura Garapich z domu hr. Wodzicka 1855-1835 / Józio Garapich 1909-1910 / Karolina Garapich z domu hr. Wodzicka 1849-1905 / Stanisław Garapich 1851-1883 / Władysław Garapich 1815-1867 / Józefa Garapich z domu Słonecka 1830-1906 / CEBRÓW, 28 sierpnia 2015. //.
4. Ś. + P. / WŁADYSŁAW z SICHELBURGU / GARAPICH / * 1814. / + 1 Marca 1867. // 
5. + / JÓZIO / syn Kazimierza i Maryi z hr. Lubieńskich / GARAPICHÓW / * 1/10 1909. +30/3 1910. //.

Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Tomb number 7


205 x 150 x 290 cm


coloured magmatic rocks (granite, syenite and others), sandstone

Additional information:

The sandstone plaques were originally placed in the tomb of the Garapich family, which was probably demolished just after World War II; they were found in the garden of one of the houses in Cebrów, information courtesy of the Garapich family

State of preservation:


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Emil Bochnia, Joanna Barańska, Patrycja Dymek

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
see more Text translated automatically
Tombstone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów Photo showing Tombstone of the Garapich de Sichelburg family Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017
Fragment of a gravestone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów Photo showing Tombstone of the Garapich de Sichelburg family Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of a gravestone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017
Inscription from the gravestone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów Photo showing Tombstone of the Garapich de Sichelburg family Gallery of the object +2
Inscription from the gravestone of the Garapich family. Cemetery in Cebrów, photo Joanna Barańska, 2017

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