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Source: Biblioteka Cyfrowa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Photo showing Description of the castle in Wisniowiec
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ID: DAW-000174-P/139852

Description of the castle in Wisniowiec

ID: DAW-000174-P/139852

Description of the castle in Wisniowiec

The text describes Wiśniowiec, located on the Horynia River in Volyn Governorate and established as early as the 14th century, and recalls the folk etymology of the name, which is said to have originated from the Wiśniowiecki family. In fact, from the mid-16th century, every prince from Wiśniowiec "wrote himself Prince Korybut Wiśniowiecki". Wiśniowiec was supposed to pass into the hands of the Czartoryski family, but was bought back by Michał Wiśniowiecki soon afterwards. The following article describes the castle in Wiśniowiec (Source: Tygodnik Illustrowany, Warsaw 1870, Series 2, T:5, pp. 169-170, after: Digital Library of the University of Łódź).

Time of origin:

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Photo showing Description of the castle in Wisniowiec Photo showing Description of the castle in Wisniowiec Gallery of the object +1
Public domain
Photo showing Description of the castle in Wisniowiec Photo showing Description of the castle in Wisniowiec Gallery of the object +1
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