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ID: POL-002350-P/165901

The memory of the stone and the stone of remembrance. On the monument to John Ruskin by Michel de Tarnowsky in Chamonix

ID: POL-002350-P/165901

The memory of the stone and the stone of remembrance. On the monument to John Ruskin by Michel de Tarnowsky in Chamonix

Variants of the name:

fr. Monument à John Ruskin; la Pierre à Ruskin

In the picturesque village of Chamonix at the foot of the Brévent, a trail leads to the John Ruskin Memorial Stone (1819-1900) by the French sculptor of Polish origin, Michel de Tarnowski (1870-1946). The monument commemorates one of Britain's most significant artists, writers, art critics, social reformers and ecological thinkers of the era, who also went down in history as a singer of the nature of Chamonix.

Description of the object

A bronze medallion, 75 cm in diameter, with an image of John Ruskin at a mature age, with flowing hair, looking into the distance, in an en trois quatre view, set in an erratic boulder.

On the left side of the cast, along its periphery, is an embossed inscription enabling the unmistakable identification of the portrayed - 'JOHN RUSKIN'; on the right, starting from Ruskin's line of sight, the engraved inscription: "Ce monument / offert par les admirateurs de RUSKIN, / à la Ville de CHAMONIX / a été inauguré le 19/7/ 1925 / sous la présidence de / Mr Lavraire, Maire, assisté de / Mr Payot, Recteur de l'Université / et de Mr H. de Noussanne" (This monument / donated by the admirers of RUSKIN, / to the city of CHAMONIX / was inaugurated on 19 July 1925 / under the presidency / of Mr Lavraire, mayor of the city, assisted by / Mr Payot, rector of the University / and Mr H. de Noussanne).

The cast is inscribed at the bottom of the medallion below Ruskin's bust with an engraved signature: "M. de Tarnowsky".

The memory of the stone, or the importance of place in Ruskin's story

The stone, which became the starting point for Tarnowsky's realisation, was a landmark for Ruskin, enabling him to discern the terrain and contemplate, allowing him to observe the surrounding nature, which was invaded by mountain peaks. It was from here, from his first visit to Chamonix in 1833, that Ruskin admired the sunsets over the Aigulles (at the time still unobstructed by the sight of dense forest) and the local wildlife that became the subjects of his literary descriptions.

History of the creation of the monument

The official unveiling of the monument took place on 19 July 1925. The monument was created on the initiative of admirers of Ruskin's literary, artistic and critical legacy: the writer Jules Payot, a committee of Ruskin's friends and the journalist, writer and publisher Henri de Noussanne.

The story of the monument's creation and the coverage of its inauguration were widely covered by the local and national press, including Le Figaro. In the 21 July 1925 edition of this magazine, one can read:

"Dimanche, à l'hôtel de ville de Chamonix, a eu lieu sous la présidence du préfet de la Haute-Savoie et de M. Lavaivre, maire de Chamonix, l'inauguration du médaillon commémoratif de John Ruskin. Au cours de cette cérémonie, M. Jules Payot, ancien recteur de l'Académie d'Aix, a prononcé un discours. M. Henri de Noussanne a fait une brillante causerie. Le médaillon est l'œuvre du sculpteur de Tarnowsky. " (On Sunday, the inauguration of the John Ruskin commemorative medallion took place in the town hall of Chamonix, presided over by the prefect of Haute-Savoie and Mr Lavaivre, mayor of Chamonix. Jules Payot, former rector of the Académie d'Aix, gave a speech at the ceremony. Mr Henri de Noussanne gave a brilliant speech. The medallion is the work of the sculptor de Tarnowsky. )

Interestingly, the Polish pianist, composer and former President of the Ministers, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, attended the event.

Opis obiektu w katalogu A nos Grand Hommes, Musée d'Orsay,

Opis obiektu w bazie danych e-monument,

Strona interenetowa na temat szlakow górskich w Chamonix, Chamonix,

Related persons:

Time of origin:



Michel de Tarnowsky (rzeźbiarz; Francja, Stany Zjednoczone)


  • L. Moris, Chamonix et ses attraits: Inauguration du Monument, "Comoedia" 25.07.1925, s. 4
  • Les Alguaziles, Inauguration à Chamonix d'un Monument à Ruskin, "Le Figaro" 7.091.1925, s. 1
  • Carnet des Lettres, "La Lanterne", 1.09.1925, s. 9
  • Carnet des Lettres, "Le Rappel", 1.09.1925, s. 9
  • Fêtes à Chamonix en l'honneur de Ruskin, "Le Journal", 6.09.1925, s. 3
  • Les Echos, "Le Gaulois", 1.09.1925, s. nn
  • Le Veilleur, Pont des Arts, "Excelsior", s. 2




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