Grave of Polish partisans killed in May 1863, 1932 (plaque with inscription), Antoledo, Lithuania, photo Jacek Szulski
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Photo showing The January Uprising of 1863 - its traces in Lithuania
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ID: POL-000994-P/101477

The January Uprising of 1863 - its traces in Lithuania

ID: POL-000994-P/101477

The January Uprising of 1863 - its traces in Lithuania

The January Uprising of 1863 - its traces in Lithuania
The January Uprising of 1863 took place not only in the territory of the then Congress Kingdom, but also in the Vilnius and Grodno regions, i.e. the borderlands of today's Lithuania and Belarus.

In the forests near Novi Svetiany, near the village of Antoledzie (Antaliedė), there are two graves, picturesquely situated away from residential areas. These are the graves of Polish partisans killed in May 1863 from the Albertus unit (pseud. Albertus - war chief of the Vilnius district). Plaques from 1932, founded by the 'Koltyniany' company of the 'Nowe Święciany' Battalion of the Border Protection Corps (KOP), are preserved on the graves.

Such commemorations can be found in many places in today's Lithuania and Belarus. These are primarily graves of fallen insurgents and execution sites. Many of them were taken care of by social organisations and the Polish Army in the interwar period. The KOP guarding the border with Lithuania was particularly active in this regard.

During the January Uprising, Polish units fought about 1,200 battles and skirmishes, almost 1,000 of them on the territory of the then Congress Kingdom (Mazovia, Podlasie, Lublin, Świętokrzyskie). Another important area of Polish partisan activity was the Vilnius and Grodno regions, i.e. the borderlands of present-day Lithuania and Belarus. About 200 armed clashes took place there. The local population of various religions and nationalities often supported the uprising by joining partisan units or working in the civilian structures of the National Government.

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Grave of Polish partisans killed in May 1863, 1932 (plaque with inscription), Antoledo, Lithuania
Grave of Polish partisans killed in May 1863, 1932 (plaque with inscription), Antoledo, Lithuania, photo Jacek Szulski

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