Tombstone of Archbishop F. Kicki in the Latin Cathedral in Lviv before restoration works, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV)
Tombstone of Archbishop V.H. Sierakowski in the Latin Cathedral in Lviv before conservation work, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV)
Relic from the Halych church before conservation work, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV)
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ID: spol-000095-P/150586

Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV)

ID: spol-000095-P/150586

Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV)

Completed works:
The project consisted of carrying out conservation and restoration work in Ukraine on the following objects:

Archbishop Ferdinand Kicki's tombstone (Chapel of the Crucified Jesus in the Latin Cathedral in Lviv);

Tombstone of Archbishop Waclaw Hieronim Sierakowski (Chapel of the Crucified Jesus in the Latin Cathedral in Lviv);

the reliquaries of Blessed Jakub Strzemię and St Faustyna (parish church of Blessed Jakub Strzemię and St Hippolytus in Halych).

Conservation and reconstruction work on the tombstones of Archbishop F. Kicki and W.H. Sierakowski in the Chapel of the Crucified Jesus included the restoration of the inscription plates. In the case of the inscription plaque of Archbishop Sierakowski, full conservation was carried out with the reconstruction of the inscription by filling in with appropriately selected mortars and putties. The inscription tablet of Abp Kicki was reconstructed only within the inscription.

The project received a positive opinion from the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv prior to the work.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:


  • Fundacja „Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie”, realizacja w roku 2020



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Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV) Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV) Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Archbishop F. Kicki in the Latin Cathedral in Lviv before restoration works, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV) Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV) Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Archbishop V.H. Sierakowski in the Latin Cathedral in Lviv before conservation work, photo 2020, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV) Photo showing Conservation work on tombstones and the floor of the Latin Cathedral (Lviv) and the sarcophagi in the Halych church (stage IV) Gallery of the object +2
Relic from the Halych church before conservation work, photo 2020, all rights reserved

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