Wolontariackie prace porządkowe na lwowskich cmentarzach na Zniesieniu, w Zamarstynowie, w Hołosku Małym oraz na zabytkowym cmentarzu katolickim w Drohobyczu w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Cleaning work in Lviv\'s cemeteries of Zniesienie, Zamarstynov, Holosko Maly and Drohobych in Ukraine
Wolontariackie prace porządkowe na lwowskich cmentarzach na Zniesieniu, w Zamarstynowie, w Hołosku Małym oraz na zabytkowym cmentarzu katolickim w Drohobyczu w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Cleaning work in Lviv\'s cemeteries of Zniesienie, Zamarstynov, Holosko Maly and Drohobych in Ukraine
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ID: spol-000055-P/150540

Cleaning work in Lviv's cemeteries of Zniesienie, Zamarstynov, Holosko Maly and Drohobych in Ukraine

ID: spol-000055-P/150540

Cleaning work in Lviv's cemeteries of Zniesienie, Zamarstynov, Holosko Maly and Drohobych in Ukraine

Information about the object:
The historic Catholic Cemetery in Drohobych used to be the main town cemetery, where burghers were buried from the end of the 18th century. The cemetery itself is located on a high hill near the city centre. Much of the cemetery's substance - including tombstones - is damaged, overgrown and covered with leaves that nobody cleans up.

Zamarstynov Cemetery is located in the northern part of Lviv, in the Shevchenko District (in Zamarstynov). The oldest part is the municipal cemetery, where the Polish inhabitants of Zamarstynov are buried. The second part is the cemetery of German soldiers and prisoners of war, and the third is the cemetery of prisoners and those murdered in the Zamarstynov prison, who rest in mass graves.

The cemetery located at the fork of Warszawska Street in Holosko is the least known cemetery in Lviv in the public mind, and it is located about 20 minutes' walk from the equally forgotten Zamarstynov Cemetery.

Zniesienie Cemetery is located in the Lychakivsky District on Zaklińskich Street. Burials were made there until the early 1980s. At that time, the authorities decided to liquidate the cemetery under the pretext of preparing the land for sports purposes - the ski track of the Dynamo club, some of the graves were destroyed, and the neglected ones were plundered.

Completed works:
The task consisted in the implementation of cleaning works in the neglected Lviv Roman Catholic cemeteries in Zamarstynovo, Holosko Maly and Zniesienie by volunteers, students of the University of Silesia in Katowice and students of the Saint Mary Magdalene High School No. 10 in Lviv. They removed vegetation growth that threatened the graves and cemetery monuments and cleaned the tombstones and the inscriptions on them. They made photographic documentation of the most valuable graves and grave monuments and the preserved cemetery inscriptions.

The photographic documentation will be used to publish a work documenting the project and presenting the current state of the cemeteries. It will also be included in the Institute's Polonica Database.

Funding: Polonika Institute programme "Polish cultural heritage abroad - volunteering".

More about the project: https://polonika.pl


  • Stowarzyszenie „Wspólnota Polska”, realizacja w roku 2023

Time of origin:

ca. 1790



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Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

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Photo showing Cleaning work in Lviv\'s cemeteries of Zniesienie, Zamarstynov, Holosko Maly and Drohobych in Ukraine Photo showing Cleaning work in Lviv\'s cemeteries of Zniesienie, Zamarstynov, Holosko Maly and Drohobych in Ukraine Gallery of the object +1
Wolontariackie prace porządkowe na lwowskich cmentarzach na Zniesieniu, w Zamarstynowie, w Hołosku Małym oraz na zabytkowym cmentarzu katolickim w Drohobyczu w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved
Photo showing Cleaning work in Lviv\'s cemeteries of Zniesienie, Zamarstynov, Holosko Maly and Drohobych in Ukraine Photo showing Cleaning work in Lviv\'s cemeteries of Zniesienie, Zamarstynov, Holosko Maly and Drohobych in Ukraine Gallery of the object +1
Wolontariackie prace porządkowe na lwowskich cmentarzach na Zniesieniu, w Zamarstynowie, w Hołosku Małym oraz na zabytkowym cmentarzu katolickim w Drohobyczu w Ukrainie, photo 2023, all rights reserved

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