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ID: dok-000599-P

Cemetery in Sokal

Sokal | Ukraine
ukr. Sokalʹ (Сокаль)
ID: dok-000599-P

Cemetery in Sokal

Sokal | Ukraine
ukr. Sokalʹ (Сокаль)
Situated in the eastern part of the town, the cemetery was probably founded in the first half of the 19th century, as can be deduced from the dates on the surviving tombstones. The oldest ones are located in the most neglected western part: a pyramid-shaped monument on the grave of Franciszka Paiączkowska (d. 1863); a stone monument topped with a low cross on the grave of Antoni Mussil (d. 1870) and two damaged unnamed tombstones - one with a sculpture of an angel (without a head) embracing a vase entwined with a garland, the other in the shape of a monument decorated with antique reliefs and topped with a broken column. The remaining gravestones are mostly broken and covered with tall grass.

It used to be an extensive necropolis with many valuable monuments. It is now disused. Part of the cemetery was removed after the war, due to the construction of a housing estate in the neighbourhood. Hauser speculates that with the further expansion of the city and the presence of a bus station nearby, the remaining part of the cemetery may disappear. In 1998, he found dozens of gravestones there. The cemetery is dominated by inscriptions in Polish, which poses an additional danger of liquidation.

The most interesting monuments are located in the western part, about 300 metres from the market square.

The largest object is the neo-Gothic tomb of the Turbinskis in the shape of a chapel from 1923. It is filigreed at the corners and topped with an arcaded frieze and a gabled roof. According to the signature, it was made by L. Olszewski. In its vicinity are the imposing tomb of Tomasz (d. 1925) and Ahapja of Godowska (d. 1933) Zołczyński of the Leliwa coat of arms; the tomb of the pharmacist and long-time mayor of Sokal, Eugeniusz Minkowicz Wysoczański (d. 1913); the parish priest Michał Baron Lewartowski (d. 1930) in the form of a two-stepped monument with a stone cross.

Hauser also mentions in the better preserved eastern part: an obelisk of black marble on the grave of Dr. Gwidon Wyspiański (d. 1897); an obelisk of pink stone with two cannelled columns on the grave of the Pohlers; a rock topped with a sculpture of a child under a cross on the grave of Wandusia Bielecka or an obelisk topped with a statue of Our Lady with Child on the grave of Mary Prokopowicz (d. 1902).

A photographic documentation was made for the cemetery (stored in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage). Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).
  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. III, „Dawna Małopolska Wschodnia. Województwo lwowskie (część wschodnia)", Kraków 2007, s. 243, 248.
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Wiktoria Grabowska
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