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ID: DAW-000268-P/148658

Description of Zaosia

ID: DAW-000268-P/148658

Description of Zaosia

Zaosie, neighbouring Novogrudok, is extensively described in the text. The author recalls the origin of the name, which is related to Lithuanian Rus and denotes a settlement with several houses inhabited by minor nobility. The manors in Zaosie belonged to, among others, the Chmielewski, Terajewicz and Mickiewicz families. The text is followed by a detailed description of the Mickiewicz house. In addition, next to the text, there is a short note about Mickiewicz's Novogrudok (Source: Tygodnik Illustrowany, Warsaw 1883, Series 4, T:1, pp. 219, 222, 224, after: Digital Library of the University of Łódź).

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