License: public domain, Source: Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Palace in Swojatycze
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ID: DAW-000368-P/164877

Palace in Swojatycze

ID: DAW-000368-P/164877

Palace in Swojatycze

The text describes and photographs the palace in Swojatycze in the Novgorod district. The town of Swojatycze is briefly described. The most important buildings in the town are depicted - the church, which has paintings with Polish inscriptions and plaques indicating that the Czapscy are buried there. The founders in the town are the Plater family (Source: "Ziemia. Tygodnik Krajoznawczy Ilustrowany", Warsaw 1911, no. 10, p. 9, after: Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa).

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Photo showing Palace in Swojatycze

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