Plan of the first floor of the Basilian Monastery in Vilnius with the marked Conrad's Cell
License: public domain, Source: Artykuł Eugeniusza M. Schummachera „Spór o Celę Konrada”, „Świat”, 1928, nr 23, s. 1-3, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Dispute over the Conrad cell
Gate of the Basilian Monastery in Vilnius, photo: Jan Bułhak
License: public domain, Source: Artykuł Eugeniusza M. Schummachera „Spór o Celę Konrada”, „Świat”, 1928, nr 23, s. 1-3, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Dispute over the Conrad cell
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ID: DAW-000210-P/140359

Dispute over the Conrad cell

ID: DAW-000210-P/140359

Dispute over the Conrad cell

In the article "Spór o Celę Konrada" ["The dispute over Konrad's cell"] in the periodical "Świat" ["The World"], 1928, no. 23, pp. 1-3 (public domain, reprinted from the Library of the Catholic University of Lublin), Eugeniusz M. Schummacher reports on the title dispute, which consisted in the difficulty of precisely locating the cell in the Basilian monastery. Due to the fact that the cell was associated with Adam Mickiewicz (he was imprisoned there between 23 October 1823 and 21 April 1824), there was a polemic in the press in the 1920s concerning the correct location of the cell. It was eventually determined that it was on the first floor of the south wing of the monastery. The article is illustrated with photographs of the former prison and a plan of the foundation with the Conrad Cell marked.




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