Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna
Licence: public domain, Source: Odbudowa królewskiego starego zamku i kościoła garnizonowego w Grodnie, „Sztuki Piękne”,1934, nr 4, s. 149, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna
Reconstruction de l'ancien château royal et de l'église de garnison à Hrodna
Licence: public domain, Source: Odbudowa królewskiego starego zamku i kościoła garnizonowego w Grodnie, „Sztuki Piękne”,1934, nr 4, s. 149, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna
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ID: DAW-000062-P/118611

Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna

ID: DAW-000062-P/118611

Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna

The note summarises a meeting of the restoration committee, which reported on the progress of the work and identified the most urgent needs and the next plans for implementing the restoration. Information given in the journal "Fine Arts",1934, no. 4, p. 149 (public domain, reprinted after Library of the University of Silesia, Katowice).

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Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna Photo montrant Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna Galerie de l\'objet +1
Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna
Reconstruction de l'ancien château royal et de l'église de garnison à Hrodna Photo montrant Reconstruction of the Royal Old Castle and Garrison Church in Hrodna Galerie de l\'objet +1
Reconstruction de l'ancien château royal et de l'église de garnison à Hrodna

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  • Odbudowa królewskiego starego zamku i kościoła garnizonowego w Grodnie Afficher

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