Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów z cmentarza w Drohobyczu - stan przed konserwacją, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów z cmentarza w Drohobyczu - stan przed konserwacją, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Detal nagrobka Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Detal nagrobka Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Detal nagrobka Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Detal nagrobka Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Nagrobek Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan przed konserwacją, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Nagrobek Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan przed konserwacją, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
Detail of Kinga Merynowicz's tombstone in Drohobych cemetery - state after restoration, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Source: Instytut Polonika
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych
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ID: spol-000140-P/150645

Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych

ID: spol-000140-P/150645

Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych

Information about the object:
The historic Catholic cemetery in Drohobych used to be the main town cemetery, where burghers were buried from the end of the 18th century. The cemetery itself is located on a high hill near the city centre. Much of the cemetery's substance - including tombstones - is damaged, overgrown and covered with leaves that nobody cleans up.

The maintenance concerned two tombstones.

The first is the family tomb of the Piechowicz family - a family associated with the town since at least the 17th century. Buried in the tomb is, among others, Franciszek Piechowicz, the father of Michal Piechowicz, the last mayor of the city, who was murdered in Kiev and buried in Bykov. The tomb is decorated with bas-reliefs built into the walls.

The second gravestone with a blurred inscription, on which before the restoration work only the Pvt. Merynowicz, depicts a female figure.

Completed works:
The project includes conservation work on two tombstones in the cemetery on Truskavetska Street in Drohobych, Ukraine.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:


  • Fundacja Partnerstwa Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, realizacja w roku 2021

Time of origin:

ca. 1790



Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Rok (lata) prowadzenia prac:

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Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów z cmentarza w Drohobyczu - stan przed konserwacją, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Grobowiec rodziny Piechowiczów z cmentarza w Drohobyczu - stan przed konserwacją, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Detal nagrobka Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Detal nagrobka Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Detal nagrobka Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Detal nagrobka Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan po konserwacji, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Nagrobek Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan przed konserwacją, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Nagrobek Kingi Merynowicz na cmentarzu w Drohobyczu - stan przed konserwacją, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Photo showing Conservation of tombstones in the Catholic cemetery in Drohobych Gallery of the object +13
Detail of Kinga Merynowicz's tombstone in Drohobych cemetery - state after restoration, photo 2021, all rights reserved

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